
The Discovery of the Atom

  • 450 BCE

    Empedocle's Idea

    Empedocle's Idea
    Empedocles had an idea that atoms were made out of either 4 elements which were earth, air, fire and water.
  • 400 BCE

    Democritus Discovers the Atom

    Democritus Discovers the Atom
    Democritus had a believe that atoms were made of tiny little particles, and what were inside of these particles affected the type of matter these particles were.
  • John Dalton Proposal

    John Dalton Proposal
    John Dalton had a proposal that stated, that every single atom in one single element is the same atom.
  • J.J Thomson

    J.J Thomson
    J.J Thomson conducted expirements in his lab which proved that atoms do indeed have a negative charge.
  • Ernest Rutherford Discovery of an Atom's Mass

    Ernest Rutherford Discovery of an Atom's Mass
    Ernest Rutherford found that an atom is mainly just an empty space but inside of the nucleus of the atom is where it holds the most of it's mass.
  • Niels Bohr Proposal of Hydrogen Atom

    Niels Bohr Proposal of Hydrogen Atom
    Niels Bohr made the Bohr atom model and in this model of the atom, in which he proposed that electrons orbited around the atom nucleus
  • Louis DeBroglie Idea of Electrons

    Louis DeBroglie Idea of Electrons
    Louis DeBroglie was the first person to suggest the idea that these particles that we call atoms today have electrons inside of them, and he also suggested to not only describe this as a particle but as waves.
  • Erwin Schrödinger Wave of Equation

    Erwin Schrödinger Wave of Equation
    Erwin Schrödinger was the first person the calculate the first wave equation of energy levels inside of electrons.
  • Werner Heinsberg Quantum Mechanics

    Werner Heinsberg Quantum Mechanics
    Werner Heinsberg discovered that a particles momentum or state cannot be known precisley and he found this out using Quantum Mechanics
  • James Chadwick Neutron

    James Chadwick Neutron
    James Chadwick is mostly known for his discovery of the neutron which he stated that it is a particle that does not have an electric charge in it.