
the discoverer of electrotype The author's theorem maximum power

  • biography

    Moritz Hermann Jacobi was born to a wealthy Jewish family[2]. The father of the future physics, Simon Jacobi, was the personal banker of the king of Prussia Friedrich Wilhelm III; mother, Rachel Lehman, was a homemaker[3]. His studies he starts at the University of Berlin, then moves to the University of göttingen. Upon completion of the course in göttingen to 1833 he worked as an architect in the construction Department of Prussia.
  • The electromotor

    The electromotor
    The goal of the scientist is to create a more powerful electric motor with the possibility of its practical application. In 1834 Jacobi builds an electric motor based on the principle of attraction and repulsion between the electromagnets.The engine consisted of two groups of magnets: four fixed was installed on the frame, and the rest on the rotating rotor.
  • Period: to

    creating electroplating and telegraph synchro

    In 1838, Jacobi made his most remarkable discovery, namely, opened the electroplating, giving rise to the whole direction of applied electrochemistry. Significant progress has been achieved in the field of telegraphy. He constructed a Telegraph synchronous actions with a direct (without decoding) indication in the receiver of the transmitted letters and numbers and the world's first teleprinter
  • Work Jacobi

    Work Jacobi
    received deserved recognition in 1839 he was appointed to the rank of adjunct of the Imperial Academy of Sciences, in three years became extraordinary, and in 1847 — an ordinary academician. For the invention of electroforming, B. S. Jacobi in 1840 awarded the Demidov prize in the amount of 25,000 rubles. In 1867 was awarded a gold medal at the world exhibition in Paris.