The Digestive System

  • Step One:

    2:00 p.m. A human finds a delicious looking apple and decides they are going to eat it!
  • Step Two:

    2:01 p.m. Bites of the apple enter the human's mouth and is chewed up into tiny pieces with help from the teeth and the tongue.
  • Step Three:

    2:02 p.m. The Pharynx in the humans throat pushes the apple pieces towards the Esophagus.
  • Step Four:

    2:03 p.m. The mushed up apple meets the Esophagus, which squeezes it down towards the stomach
  • Step Five:

    2:20 p.m. The apple finally meets the stomach and begins its nice acid bath.
  • Step Six:

    5:05 p.m. The extremely broken down apple inters the small intestine.
  • Step Seven:

    6:30 p.m. The itty bitty pieces of nutrients, that used to be apple, enter the blood stream to fuel the body!
  • Step Eight:

    10:40 p.m. The wastes from the body and unused apple enter back into the digestive tract in the large intestine and begin to compact together.
  • Step Nine:

    4:00 a.m. The wastes begin to compact tighter together and enter into the rectum soon to be released from the body.
  • Step Ten:

    6:30 a.m. Wastes exit rectum and into the anus out of the body.