June 14, 1942
This was two days after Anne's 13th birthday. As we read the diary entry, we see how free spirited Anne was before she was in the Annex. This is the main point we see how Anne has started, being free and happy, but as we know many things are to come. This is the start of Anne's persona to get ready before it matures and evolves. -
July 10, 1942
This is when the go into the Annex for the first time, and Anne starts to learn about her new life in the Annex as they unpacked their stuff. She knows why they must hide, but she does not really know if she is ready for a new life. However, what's done is done. This is the main start point of Anne's persona to really start to mature and evolve in it's own way. -
April 2, 1943
This is where Anne really starts to push away her mother, and it could be because of the fact that she is growing up and maturing.
She does feel guilty, but she talks about how she just prefers her father instead. Anne grows from others and from herself everyday, This is probably where we see change for the first time in Anne because she starts to show some maturing actions that she does to others. -
June 13, 1943
This is when Anne's 14th birthday has came, and she is happy about, but as we read more in her entry. She starts to not care about the little things she did not have in the Annex. We hear how she did not complain about the shortage of sweets, and why she does not complain is simple. She is maturing throughout her time in the Annex. She starts to changed little by little everyday, and even though she may do things she might regret, it where she can learn piece by piece. -
February 13, 1944
This is the main part where she talks about how she feels like she has changed. This is the part of the Diary where I infer, that this is when she starts to see the good in Peter. Anne may have been the same throughout her time in the Annex, but since she concluded she felt like she changed, it could mean that she is maturing without her even knowing at all. This point in the diary really changes Anne persona or character, and she grows up not knowing that she has changed. -
April 16, 1944
This diary entry tell us the reader about Anne's first kiss with Peter, and talks about the experience of when she got her kiss from Peter. This is a big step to maturing because throughout the Annex we have seen her grow up to be a certain person, but now she made it to the point of really looking around her and maturing. Her character may be the same as two months ago, but she starts to really change as a person. Why doves, because doves are birds who fly with peace and freedom. -
June 13, 1944
In this diary entry, she talks about her birthday and she talks about all of her gifts, but the main thing she talks about is the invasion and how there is some excellent news about it. She matures from just enjoying her birthday and all of her presents, to really thinking and looking at everything around her. She starts to care about things around her. This is the part where see Anne really change as an individual because she started as this free spirited girl to someone who is maturing. -
Theme Statement: The Diary of A Young Girl
Theme Statement: Change can happen in many ways from a person or one's self, or even in big or small ways.