Devils arithmetic puffin modern classic

The Devils Arithmetic Lillian D

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    she finds herself in a home gazing out to a field while finding her mother telling her to get dressed for her ¨uncles¨
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    She goes to the wedding and gets taken away by germans

    she is at the wedding telling all of her new friends all of these stories that don´t exist. she keeps telling her friends all these different things then a bunch of german soldiers come in and rage the wedding.
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    Germans and how they would they would take jews

    The Germans would vaid the area if they found any jews or polish or greeks. They would lead them to some type of transportation to take them to camps.
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    The way germans treated jews at camps

    they would constantly hrm everyone no matter what they did. they would force them to strip, and make them do stuff for them.
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    she sees her friends shot dead in front of her

    She tried to sneak out of the camp when she saw 6 men lined up against the fence with their hands on their head and they saw the girls and said you can either stay there and get shot too or you can come stand next to me and live. so she stood next to the soldier and saw all 6 men shot and killed in a blink of an eye.
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    the way the germans could choose what ever decision they wanted

    they could shoot a little girl if they wanted to just because she was not walking straight.
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    Overflow of jews at the camp

    sometimes when they don´t have enough room for more jews to com in or if it´s for their own enjoyment they will shoot who ever just so they can make it even worse.
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    She arrives at the camp

    Once she go to the camp they forced them to completely strip down . Once they were completely stripped down they forced them to go into individual rooms. hannah thought they were gas chambers because of what she remembered from her actual life but they turned out to be cold showers. They gave them ripped clothes to put on and have their hair shaved off.
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    It was her time to die

    A german soldier was walking through the girls and was choosing girls to be killed a brought to the crematory.The soldier kept walking around and chose Hannah and her two friends.They tried to persuade the soldier to pick greeks instead of them.He almost decided to choose the greeks but then one of them complained. He went back to the girls and had them line up outside. Right before they were about to pull the trigger, she went out of her day dream and went back to modern day life.
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    holocaust begins

    The holocaust began january 30th 1945. They would randomly rage in to anything that was happening and take the jews/polish/greeks.
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    she goes to her grandparents house

    She goes to grandparents house for pass over dinner and that when she gets transported in time to the holocaust