The Devil in the White City

  • Daniel Burnham was born

  • John Root is born

  • Burnham and his family move to Chicago

  • Burnham fails his entrance exams to Yale and Harvard

  • Great Fire

  • Burnham and Root become partners

  • Burnham marries Margaret Sherman

  • Root marries Mary Walker

  • Holmes marries Clara Loverling

  • Root's wife dies

  • Peter Brooks commissions Burnham and Root to build a skyscraper

  • Root marries Dora Monroe

  • Holmes enrolls in medical school

  • Holmes marries Myrta Belknap

  • Holmes buys land

  • Paris Exposition

  • Chicago becomes 2nd largest city

  • Chicago is named the location of the World's Fair

  • fair was jeopardized by an economic recession

  • Holmes hires Ned Connor

  • Root dies

  • construction of the fair begins

  • drawings of fair's main structure is presented by architects

  • Holmes kills Julia and Pearl

  • Period: to

    800 violent deaths occur in Chicago

  • Burnham became in charge of the fair

  • Holmes kills Emeline

  • World's Fair Opens

  • Wall Street panics

  • the ferris wheel was completed

  • seven best parts of the fair are set on fire

  • Detective Geyer begins search for Pitezel Children

  • Detective Geyer finds remains of Alice and Nellie Pitezel

  • detectives find human remains during their investigation of Holmes' castle

  • Holmes is indited

  • Holmes is hanged

  • George Ferris dies

  • Titanic sinks

  • Millet Dies on Titanic

  • Burnham dies