The development of the periodic table

  • 330


    He proposes the four element theory; earth, air, fire, and water 330 B.C
  • 360


    He makes the term â€~elementsâ 360 B.C
  • 440

    Democritus & leucippus

    They proposed the idea of the atom, and invisible particle that all matter is made of. 440 B.C
  • Robert Boyle

    He published "The Sceptical Chymist" which was a treatise on the distinction between chemistry and alchemy. It also contained some of the earliest ideas of atoms, molecules, and chemical reaction marketing the beginning of the history of of modern chemistry
  • John Newlands

    Arranged the known elements in order of atomic weights and observed some similarities between some elements
  • Lothar Meyer

    Develops an early version of the periodic table, with 28 elements organized by valance
  • Dmitri Mendeleev

    He produced a table based on atomic weights but arranged "periodically" with elements with similar properties under each other. His periodic table included the 66 known elements organized by atomic weights
  • Jakob Berzelius

    Developed a table of atomic weights & introduced letters to symbolize element
  • Johann Donereiner

    He developed groups of 3 elements with similar properties