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Gregory English Walk Two Moons Summantive Assessment Timeline

  • Theme 1 (Super Sticky)

  • ch1 pg1

     ch1 pg1
    Sal asks “Is this where we’re going to live? she is shocked that the area she has moved to looks so urban and inside she misses the farm Through this I can say that she has not been outside of her farm due to her reaction to her new house.
  • pg 23 ch 6 Evidence

    pg 23 ch 6 Evidence
    I had been part of my mother - she was me and I was her - more than I was part of my father. So anything that was true of her was true of me. It was as if she had said, 'We're almost as good as your father,' and I wanted to say 'We're as good as - We're better,' but why I wanted to say this, I don't know. I love my father.

    It is surprising all the things you remember just by eating a blackberry pie.
  • pg 23 ch 6 Evidence Type and inference

    pg 23 ch 6 Evidence Type and inference
    Evidence Type:
    Sal thinks about the black berry pies and remembers a section of her past and makes a remark on how much she remembered from a blackberry pie. Inference:
    I can say that maybe sal is finding it hard to move on because she is scarred by the remembering of a moment in her life which causes her to remember her mother by just looking at anything that reminds her of her mother.
  • ch 8 pg 21 Evidence type and Inference

    ch 8 pg 21 Evidence type and Inference
    she is currently thinking of the time where she was still in bybanks and she was watching her mother pick blackberries.
    I can say that she is still refusing to let go and accept the fact that her mother will probably never come back
  • ch 8 pg 21 evidence

    ch 8 pg 21 evidence
    And then I started thinking about the blackberries, and about how spoiled I was by the blackberries in Bybanks, Kentucky. I had a vision of my mother and me. walking around the rims of the fields and pastures, picking blackberries in the summer, just as we used to. We filled our pockets with blackberries
  • ch18 pg 74

    ch18 pg 74
    In the end, I think, I merely ran out of steam. I stopped throwing tantrums. I didn't help pack but, when the time came, I climbed in the car and joined my father for our move to Euclid. I did not feel brave, and I did not feel courageous.
    she is reminded of the time when she was forced to move to euclid with her dad and how she eventually stopped protesting against it.
    from this I think that she realized that her mother wasn’t just going to come back in a few days and stopped protesting
  • ch 20 pg 84 Evidence

    ch 20  pg 84 Evidence
    Phoebe's father came home. 'Where's Norma?' he said. Phoebe showed him his note. He opened it and sat down, staring at the piece of paper. Phoebe looked over his shoulder and read his note aloud: I had to go away. I can't explain. I'll call you in a few days. It was signed, Norma. I had a sinking, sinking feeling.
  • ch 20 pg 84 Evidence type and Inference

    ch 20  pg 84 Evidence type and Inference
    She comes to phoebe's house and she sees a note written by phoebe's mother and feels a bit of deja vu. I can infer from the note phoebe’s mother has just written that she has left for certain reasons and sal recognises this because her mother left her.
  • Claim 1 Version 1

    Claim 1 version 1: Sal Tells phoebe's story because it makes her feel better that she was not the only one who lost her mother and feels more comfortable when she lets it all out. Theme 1: Moving on with your life
  • pg 87ch 22

    pg 87ch 22
    'My mother is missing, and my father hands me: a dictionary.' Phoebe said. She looked up 'malinger and read the definition: 'To pretend to be ill in order to escape duty or work.' She slammed the book shut. 'I am not malingering.' I can infer that from this her dad doesn’t want to talk about it and is rejecting Phoebe. her dad is sad and doesn’t want to show it in front of her so he wants privacy.
    Evidence type: Phoebe is stressed out that she has lost her mother and is overreacting.
  • pg 88 ch 22

    pg 88 ch 22
    She snatched the sweater and waved it in front of her father. 'Look at this! Would she leave this behind? Would she?' She is even getting extremely overactive and she is currently trying to convince herself that her mother wouldn’t possibly do that to her.
  • pg 88 ch 22

    pg 88 ch 22
    and, just like Phoebe. who had waved her mother's sweater in front of her father, I had brought a chicken in from the coop: 'Would Mom leave her favourite chicken?' I demanded. 'She loves this chicken.' What I really meant was, 'Would Mom leave me? She loves me.' Sal even admits that her mother walked away from her just like phoebe.
    From this I can tell that Sal is in a state of denial an is finding every reason to prove it’s not true, in this case it’s her mother’s favourite chicken.
  • pg 114 ch 28 inference

    pg 114 ch 28 inference
    Sal recognises that phoebe is going through the same process that she went through when her mother left her and phoebe is also going into her own state of denial and it is hurting her mental strength.
  • pg 114 ch 28 evidence and evidence type

    pg 114 ch 28 evidence and evidence type
    On Monday, the day that Phoebe was supposed to give her oral report on Pandora, she was a wreck. When Mr. Birkway bounded into the room, Phoebe said that her heart was hurting and asked if she could see the nurse. Mr. Birkway said, 'Why don't you get started with your report, and if you still don't feel well in a few minutes, you can stop and go to the nurse. Evidence Type:
    Phoebe’s attitude is starting to change because her mother left and she is trying to make herself believe that her mother
  • ch 38 pg 159 Evidence type and inference

    ch 38 pg 159 Evidence type and inference
    Evidence Type:
    Sal sees ben’s mother just walking around the physchiatric ward not seeming to care and notice anything. Inference:
    I can Infer from this that Sal Is finding that the same thing happened to her mother and she is remembering how her mother refused to accept it.
  • ch 38 pg 159 Evidence

    ch 38 pg 159 Evidence
    Halfway up the hill, she would sit down to catch her breath. She picked at the grass, got up again, and went a little further. Sometimes my mother went in the barn and filled the pail with chicken feed, but before she reached the chicken coop, she set the pail down and moved off in another direction. When she could walk farther, my mother rambled over the fields and meadows, in a weaving, snaking pattern, as if she could not quite make up her mind which way to turn.
  • Claim change to v2

    Claim 1 Version 2: Sometimes in life you find it hard to move on because memories in the past are holding you back. I changed it because I was a bit confused as to what a claim was and realized that this was a statement and not a claim.
  • Claim change to v Final

    Claim 1 Version Final: Sa’l finds it hard to move on because something in the past (her mother) is holding her back I changed it because my previous claim was a claim but it wasn't specific enough to my story.
  • My theme 1 (Multiple Interperetations)

    My theme 1 (Multiple Interperetations)
    Sometimes moving on is hard but everyone faces it in life eventually and gets around it. During this time the amount of despair and the feeling of being lost that the person goes through is quite big but not hugely big. but during this time the person ends up being confused on the purpose of life and questioning their own existence and the role they play. But eventually through making new friends and discoveries on life the person eventually manages to break free of any doubts or self pity.
  • Nikhil (Multiple interperatations)

    During Walk Two Moons Sal and Phoebe the two main characters both struggled Phoebe’s mother left with the lunatic and Sal’s mother left her to Idaho.
    It is very hard to move on but it happens to everyone Sal and Phoebe both have to face it in the book and at the end of the book Sal’s mother dies which for Sal and the reader is upsetting which I think Sharon Creech intended. Overall great theme Gregory!
  • Justin (Multiple Interperetations)

    Justin: In the book, both the main characters, Sal and Phoebe, suffer a big hole in their life due to their mother's’ disappearance. Sal and Phoebe in the early chapters of the book seem to not be able to control their emotions, and their actions because of it, but as their life goes on, they learn to adjust their life into the current situation, and live on with no problems.
  • Ryan (Multiple Interperatations)

    Ryan: Your theme is well and meaningful but i don’t think people just suddenly become confused or their purpose of life? I mean some people might have trouble moving on because they lost something important in the past but I’m quite sure they won’t be confused. Overall good theme.