The Development of Liberalism

  • Period: 508 BCE to 322 BCE

    Ancient Greek Democracy

    Greece is known today as the “democratic starter”, the Greekswere the creator of this specific type of govement. Though they only allowed the qualified men vote on situations we slowly used th foundation to form a more equal way of voting that allows everyone to voice their opinion
  • Period: 1215 to 1225

    Magna Carta

    June 15 1215, the that of civil war took hold this the charter of English liberties was created by King John. Alterations were placed all through out the life of the Magna Carta until the year 1225. Said agreement laid out the sovereign to be withheld under the rule of law thus being known as the “foundation” of individual rights
  • Period: 1450 to


    This era contained many new discoveries and inventions such as ncontinents, astronomical breakthroughs, the printing press, the Mariners compass, and finally gunpowder. Many of these inventions continued to liberate the world and was further improved.
  • Period: 1517 to


    Encapsulating the split of the Latin Christian church introducing a new Christian faith called Protestantism. This era is called the Reformation because it was the time period when the church recreated itself and its faiths
  • Period: 1550 to

    Haudenosaunee Confederacy

    Encompassing 6 nations that created the Great Law of Peace evenly divided the power between all nations to create a form of government it involves equality and freedom and was very effective for those involved
  • Period: to

    The Enlightenment

    The most destructive part of the Enlightenment was the 13 years war occurring from 1618-1648. Two German authors took action and wrote out a better solution, as this went on worldly exploration and scientific studies were encountered. These worldly breakthroughs exposed Europe to other cultures. Because of mistreatment from monarchs, citizens voiced their anger
  • Period: to

    Industrial Revolution

    As in the name this revolution was very industry and machine based. This included the use of chiefly iron and steel, fuel, coal, steam engines, petroleum and the creation of the sewing machine (the spinning Jenny). The industrial revolution was most influential in the fashion industry regarding tailoring, seamstress work, dress and suit making and so much more.
  • Period: to

    American Revoluion

    In demand for colonial dominance in North America, the British and French went to war. The war was diminished shortly after the Britished took hold of the majority of French forts.
  • Period: to

    French Revolution

    Years of being mistreated led to this dispute. Under control of King Louis XVI the economy plummeted. With taxation much too steep he led the French to poverty. After such a downfall and no sign of a permanent fix napoleon Bonaparte came to lead a coup against the Directory then later became the leader of France
  • Period: to

    Changes to the Class System

    Classical liberalism was the turning point of class systems. Social classes slipped away while money began to identify you. This is what started classical liberalism, it opened up opportunities and encouraged everyone to become a part of the economy and contribute to their surroundings