Dalton Model
John Dalton, a British chemist, thought that atoms were small, solid and shaped like a ball. It could also never be destroyed. He thought that all elements were made of atoms that were similar to eachother. Dalton also believed the mass of an atom depended on the element it made.
Pic from: http://introductiontoatoms.blogspot.com/ -
Thomson Model
Another British scientist, J.J. Thomson made a new model that was somewhat like a muffin with raisins irregularly spread around within it. The reason why it was like a muffin was because the electrons within it were scattered around. Thomson's model was positively charged and shaped like a sphere. Before J.J. Thomson proposed his idea on what the atom looked like, he discovered the electron.
Pic from: http://introductiontoatoms.blogspot.com/ -
Nagaoka Model
Instead of having electrons inside of the atom, Hantaro Nagaoka created a model that had the electrons orbit around a large sphere like the solar system. Or rather the was the planets revolve around the sun.
Pic from: http://introductiontoatoms.blogspot.com/ -
Rutherford Model
The Rutherford model was created by a British physicist named Ernest Rutherford in 1911. It is similar to the Nagaoka model because electrons orbit around the nucleus that is in the center. Except, the electrons are randomly circling around the nucleus. The nucleus is really small and positively charged. Unlike the Dalton and Thomson models which are both solid, the rest of the Rutherford model was empty space.
Pic from: http://introductiontoatoms.blogspot.com/ -
Bohr Model
The Bohr model was made by a Danish physicist Niels Bohr. This model is almost exactly like the Rutherford model except the electrons don't move in a random order. This model is like an an onion because the electrons move in certain layers instead of moving in a random order. The electrons could move from one layer to another. When this happened the atom would absorb or give out energy.
Pic from: http://introductiontoatoms.blogspot.com/ -
The Present Modern Model
This model was made in the 1920s and is still used today. In this model you cannot tell where the electrons are located at a given time because the electrons form a negative cloud that surrounds nucleus.
Pic from: http://introductiontoatoms.blogspot.com/