The death cure - Project

  • Isolation

    We meet Thomas as he is being contained in a white room for a couple of chapters
  • First contact in 26 days

    Thomas was starting to imagine how he would talk to a person again. The door finally fully opens and that's when Rat Man comes in.
  • Got released

    Got released
    Rat Man talked to Thomas about "The Flare" and how he was Immune to it with other people also being Immune. He got let out of his isolation.
  • All together

    All together
    Rat Man takes Thomas into a room where all his friends are. All of them are chatting together.
  • True explanation of The Flare

    True explanation of The Flare
    Rat Man begins to Explain what the Flare was and who was immune to it. A lot of people in the room were immune but not Newt (A close friend of Thomas)
    (The Flare is a virus that slowly eats the brain, turning people insane or into canivalists.)
  • Mixed news

    Rat Man proceeds to tell them that they will have the ability to gain back their memories. Thomas and 2 other of his friends deny it and get put in a room again.
  • Escaping

    Here is where we start meeting Brenda and Jorge. Brenda appeared in Thomas's room once he was forced to get his memories back. She helped him and his other friends get out of the room where Jorge was.
  • A sudden note

    A sudden note
    After escaping from the wicked and going far from it, Thomas gets a note from Gally. Gally (a man from the first book) wants to meet him, but Brenda wants him to go to Han first. Han is a doctor who could eliminate the chip from their brains. Thomas chose Gally then Han
  • Meeting the others

    Meeting the others
    Thomas went to talk to Gally and Gally told him that he was a part of the Right arm, a group against WICKED. after that meeting, they go to Han where they get the chip out after Han sedates him because WICKED started to control his brain.
  • Captured?

    After removing the chip from his brain, Thomas and the group returned to see Gally when he got caught. A person was hired to capture him and tell him to return to WICKED because they still needed a cure.
  • A note left behind

    A note left behind
    Returning to the plane that took them away from WICKED, there was a note. The note stated that Newt(one of Thomas's friends) was taken to a place called the Crank Palace. They found Newt but he told them to leave and threatened to shoot them.
  • The Right Arm and Newt

    The Right Arm and Newt
    The Right arm found Thomas and the others and put them inside a room. The room was filled with Other Gladers and the Right Arm wanted them to infiltrate WICKED. Newt started to act up because of the Flare and started attacking Thomas. Thomas had to end Newt's life sadly.
  • Infiltration

    Thomas Infiltrated WICKED and planted a device to set off the weapons they had. WICKED told Thomas that they needed his brain and took him to an operation room. From there Thomas gets Sedated and remembers nothing but Right Arm infiltrates WICKED.
  • change of plans

    A letter said that Paige wanted to stop the operation and reunite with the immune people. Thomas thought it was a good plan and followed the letter.
  • The reason of the change

    The reason of the change
    After Thomas gathered all the immunes he realized why Right Arm changed his plans. They wanted to destroy the whole headquarters of WICKED. A lot of people did but after some time, they came out safe.
  • Back at the start

    Back at the start
    All the immunes had to fight their way out by passing through the Grievers and the maze. The immune can kill all the Grievers and pass.
  • Tragedy

    The immune jumped toward the Flat trans(safety) and the Rat Man and his guards started attacking Thomas and his friends. Thomas killed Rat Man but Teresa died saving Thomas from falling debris.
  • "Paradise"

    After all that happened, he sat at the edge of a cliff. he saw a field of tall grass and wildflowers. overlooking the ocean, the sun almost dipped below the horizon, which appeared to be glowing with flames.