The Day of the Triffids

By Soph17
  • Bill Masen Born

    Bill Masen, the main character is born.
  • Triffids Appear on Earth

    The triffid appears on earth, to much suprise. Their appearance arises some curiosity.
  • Bill gets a job working with Triffids.

    Bill gets a job working with triffids, which he has wsanted all of his life.
  • Walter Lucknor Dies

    Walter, Bill's friend, dies mysteriously. He most likely died of a triffid accident (sting.)
  • Bill blinded by a triffid.

    When Bill is working with the triffids , he is stung by a triffid and blinded. Shortly after, he is placed in a hospitol to recover.
  • Green "comet" flashes over earth.

    On the night of May seventh, a green "comet" goes over earth to reveal beautiful colors. Almost everybody watches it.
  • Bill and Josella meet.

    Bill finds Josella with a blind man in an alley. He rescues her, and they go to Josella's house, finding her father dead due to the triffids.
  • Bill finds most of population blind.

    Bill, after removing his eyepatch, discovers that most people in his city are blind, for an unknown reason.
  • Bill and Josella travel to the university.

    The two companions follow a light seen at night to the university, where they find an organized, group that has not lost vision.
  • Bill captured by Coker and his gang.

    Bill wakes up to a fire alarm, which is actually a trap. He tries to run out of the building, and gets captured by a gang leader named Coker. They are assigned to take a large group of blind individuals and help them survive.
  • Bill leaves his party and finds Coker.

    After Bill's party falls ill from an unknown disease, he goes back to the university, and sees Coker. The two men decide to go to an adress inscribed on the wall. Once there, they decide to leave and find Josella and the original group from the unversity.
  • BIll goes travels Sussex and meets Susan.

    Bill decides to break off from Coker and his new companions in order to find Josella. He decides to go to Sussex, and meets a young girl named Susan on the way.
  • Period: to

    Bill and Josella live at Shirning Farm.

    When Bill finds Josella at Shirning farm, they continue to live there for six years with Susan, Dennis, Mary, Joyce, and the newborn children until they leave to escape Torrence.
  • Bill finds Josella.

    Bill Masen finds Josella in Sussex, and stays with her, Susan, and some blind townspeople.
  • Bill visits London.

    Bill visits London, England to look for supplies.
  • David Masen is born.

    David Masen, Bill and Josella's first child, is born in November.
  • Ivan Simpson finds Bill/Josella's settlement.

    Ivan Simpson, one of the directors of a new community, finds their house while riding in a helicopter. He invites them to come live on an island in which a community is being established.