the dark ages Malia and Megan

  • Period: 410 to Sep 24, 1066

    the dark ages

  • Jan 1, 700


    Barbarians were what the Romans called the Scottish and other regions of Europe. Wheather it was overthrowing the empires or town's folk, they were always at battle. At this time though, they were too busy fighting each other than to realize. These barbarians actually had a well developed culture, With their own laws, forms of art and codes of ethic. What they didn't have was their own written language. This was fatal to them because the closest language they had came from their Roman enemies.
  • Apr 2, 747

    Charlemage's Birth

    Charlemage's Birth
    This is the day that the Roman leader was born. He also had a brother. He was born into the throne because his father Charles the Hammer defeted the Muslims in a battle and saved Christianity.
  • Dec 4, 771

    Carolman I's Death

    Carolman I's Death
    Carloman I, Charlemages's brother died of natural causes seemingly in 771 when he ruled the empire together with his brother. Charlemage was sad about it, but got passed in it and continued to rule. Their father was Peppin the Short.
  • Jan 1, 1000

    Medival Warm Period

    Medival Warm Period
    Back in 1000AD there wasn't a known event called global warming as we call it today. In some regions mainly in Europe and the North Atlantic. The temperatures were as warm as, if not warmer, than our temperatures today. It coukd be an over exagerated myth, but evidence is pretty believable. If this was true, recent global warming could be natural and not man made. No one knows how or why the earth was heating up in these time periods.
  • Jan 1, 1066

    End Of The Viking Ages

    End Of The Viking Ages
    The vikings were the terrorists of the dark ages between 796-1066 A.D. These dark age vikings stole money and antiqes. At one point in this era, some towns had to use a barter system because they had no more money.
  • Charlemange's Death

    Charlemange's Death
    In 814 this emperier died as the ruler of Rome. He used to rule Rome with his brother, but when he died he was the sole commander at age twenty four. He died at age 72 as the ruler of the Roman empire.
  • Viking Age Beginnings

    Viking Age Beginnings
    The vikings usually hit places on the boarder of the oceans. They were really successful because they went down narrow chanels to places that weren't expecting their arrival.
  • Charles The Hammer Saves Christianity

    Charles The Hammer Saves Christianity
    Charles the Hammer was Charlemane's father. He was considered the savior of Christianity when the Muslims attaked. He made an army and defeted them. He himeself acually killed the leader of that attack. He was the "destructor." That's what earned him his widely known name "Charles the Hammer."
  • Christian Places In Europe Attacked

    Christian  Places In Europe Attacked
    In the final decade of of the 8th century A.D, Norse raiders attacked a series of Christain monasteries located in Britain such as Cumbria, Lindisfarne, etc. A year later they attacked Monkwearmouth-Jarow Abbey. They once again attacked in 795 this time going for Iona Abbey on Scotland's west coast.
  • Blood Eagle

    Blood Eagle
    The blood eagle was an extremely painful form of medieval torture invented by the early vikings. They started by using a dull knife to jaggedly slice into the victim's back, and cut their spine to expose the rib cage. They would then proceed to pull the lungs seperate ways. It looked like an eagle spreading it's wings and that's what earned it it's name. A lot of vikings and European empirers were killed this way which is a slow, painful death.