
The Crucible vs Salem Witch Trial Timeline

By khg0756
  • Period: to

    Crucible vs Salem Witch Trial

    Events with ◈ are from the book
    Others are actual historical events
  • Samuel Parris is officially hired as the Salem Village minister.

  • Betty falls ill

    Samuel Parris' nine year old daughter, Betty, falls ill. More young girls in Salem Village also fall ill.
  • suspects for witchcraft arrested

    Thomas and Edward Putnam, Joseph Hutchinson and Thomas Preston swear complaints against Tituba, Sarah Good and Sarah Osborne. They are later arrested for suspicion of witchcraft.
  • Accusations and apprehension in March

    March 1- Tituba confesses to witchcraft. March 7- Sarah Osborne, Sarah Good and Tituba are sent to a Boston prison. March 14- Martha Corey is summoned to appear before the magistrates and answer questions. March 19- A warrant is issued for Martha Corey's arrest. Rebecca Nurse is accused of witchcraft by Abigail Williams. March 23- Edward and Jonathan Putnam file complaints against Rebecca Nurse. March 28- One of the afflicted girls, possibly Mercy Lewis, accuses Elizab
  • More accusations and imprisonment

    • Sarah Cloyce and Elizabeth Proctor appear before the Salem Magistrates.
    • John and Elizabeth Proctor, Rebecca Nurse, Sarah Cloyce, Martha Corey and Dorcas Good are sent to a Boston prison on this night.
  • Apprehension of the Proctors

    May 21- An arrest warrant is issued for John and Elizabeth Proctor's daughter, Sarah. May 23- An arrest warrant is issued for John and Elizabeth Proctor's son, Benjamin. May 28- An arrest warrant is issued for John and Elizabeth Proctor's second son, William.
  • First hanging

    Bridget Bishop is hanged on Gallows Hill.
  • More Hangs

    Sarah Good, Elizabeth Howe, Sarah Wilds, Susannah Martin and Rebecca Nurse are hanged on Gallows Hill.
  • Proctor tries his best to avoid hanging

    Fearing that they can't get a fair trial in Salem Town, John Proctor and other prisoners write a letter from prison to the Reverends Increase Mather, James Allen, Joshua Moody, Samuel Willard and John Bayley. In the letter, they ask the ministers to support their request for a change of venue for the trials.
  • Proctor and others hanged

    George Burroughs, John Proctor, George Jacobs Sr., John Willard and Martha Carrier are hanged on Gallows Hill.
  • Deaths: Giles Corey and others

    Giles Corey is pressed to death. September 22-
    Martha Corey, Mary Easty, Alice Parker, Ann Pudeator, Margaret Scott, Wilmot Reed, Samuel Wardwell and Mary Parker are hanged on Gallows Hill. Mary Herrick of Wenham, Massachusetts reports that the ghost of Mary Easty appeared to her and proclaimed her innocence of witchcraft.
  • Superior Court of Judicature tries the remaining people

    A Superior Court of Judicature is created to try the remaining persons accused of witchcraft. William Stoughton, Samuel Sewall, John Richards, Wait Still Winthrop and Thomas Danford are its members. Spectral evidence is no longer considered in the remaining trials.
  • Rest are free

    Gov. Phips pardons the remaining accused of witchcraft.