Act One, 2nd entry: pages 465-471
Mr Putnam fears there might be a murdering witch among them. Later on, Proctor and Abigail talked to each other about the problems. When proctor saw Betty whimpering and crying, he assumed it was an act of witchcraft. -
Act Two, 1st entry: pages 487-493
Mary had made a poppet for Elizabeth. Later on Elizabeth notices Mary crying, when she asked Mary what's the matter, she said that Sarah (Goody) Osburn is going to be hanged. Then they learned that Sarah will only live because she is pregnant. -
Act Two, 2nd entry: pages 494-498
Reverend Hale arrives to Proctor's house to inform that Rebecca is mentioned in the court. Hale then starts to ask Proctor some questions, one of them is about The Commandments. When Proctor memorized and spoke out the commandments, he forgot one of them, it was "Thou shall not commit adultery" because he had an affair. -
Act Two, 3rd entry: pages 499-503
Ezekiel Cheever asks Elizabeth to to hand him the poppet Mary gave to her. When Cheever investigates the poppet, he was shocked to find a needle under the skirt. Since Abigail was found dead with a needle stick in her belly, Cheever and Hale accuse Mary of witchcraft and murder, so they take her away. -
Act Three, 2nd entry: pages 512-517
Danforth tells Giles accusation to Putnam stating that he prompted his daughter to cry witchery upon George Jacobs. Proctor asks the judge for forgiveness for Giles behavior and blames it on his old age. Later on Hale said that he has signed seventy-two death warrants, One of those people in the warrants is Rebecca Nurse. -
Act Three, 3rd entry: 518-525
The court was filled with mass hysteria. One of those events is when Abigail sees a bird but nobody in the court sees the bird. Later on she starts to look hypnotized and mimicked Marry Warrens cry. During that, the girls in the court keep mimicking Mary. -
Act Four, 1st entry: pages 527-530
Tituba tells Herrick that she is going to Barbados with the Devil will be here. When she is taken away, she told Herrick that Satan is here but that's actually an old cow. Meanwhile Herrick and Danforth have conversation about things like Parris' whereabouts. -
Act Four, 2nd entry: pages 531-533
When Herrick enters with Elizabeth, she was in chains and in very poor condition. Hale informs Elizabeth that her husband is going to hang this morning. She asks the judge to speak to her husband. -
Act Four, 3rd entry: pages 534-539
As Proctor was about to be executed, he was given a chance to live if he confessed. No matter how many time the village tried to give him a chance, Proctor refused. So thus, Proctor was hung, resulting in his death. -
Act One, 3rd entry: pages 472-485
Reverend hale begins to question Tituba. He asked her questions like, has she made a compact with the Devil. Tituba cried and con fessed to witchcraft, even though Hale forced her to say it. -
Act Three, 1st entry: pages 505-511
At the courthouse, Martha was questioned by Judge Hathorne. Giles emotionally pleads to Hathorne for his wife's innocence. Later on the court questions about the spirits. -
Act One, 1st entry: pages 461 464
Reverend Parris was in his room worried.He was worried because he saw his daughter Betty and the others dancing around the fire, presumably naked. He later questions Abigail since she was involved in the dance.