Several girls are caught dancing in the woods
Betty and Ruth take sick
John ends things with Abigail
Revrend Hale is called
Abigail blames it on Tituba
Tituba confesses and says she is a victome -
Betty wakes up
Betty wakes up and all the girls start acuseing people -
People are arrested and charged
Marry warren gives Goody Proctor a poppet
Abigail is bleeding
Revrand Hale is visiting Proctor
Goody is arrested for the poppet
John gives a paper of signitures saying the accused are inoccent
Giles is killed for keeping names from the court
Goody is saved for a yea because she is pregnant
John makes Marry confess
The girls turn on Marry
Marry turns on John
Abigail offers John to run away with her he turns her down
John chooses life then changed his mind
John is hanged