Act 1; entry 1; pages 461-464
we enter a very religious place called Salem on reverend Parris who´s daughter (Betty) is sick. After Tituba the slave / escape goat enters Abigail (Betty´s ¨friend¨) tells Parris that the whole town believes Betty is a part of witchcraft while Susanna tells his that the cause of Betty´s sickness could b unnatural causes. Parris then tells Abigail that he saw them dancing naked around a fire in the forest; then find out that Abigail was the girl Mr. Putnam was cheating on his wife with. -
Act 1; entry 2; pages 465-471
Thomas Putnam is a man about his money who has been waiting for a turn of events such as witch craft so he could buy the land of said witch and sell it to make more money. as this was happening Proctor was trying to get rid of the affair he had with the clingy Abigail. this being because proctor is a man all about his good name and he would do anything to keep his name clean. -
Act 1; entry 3; pages 472-485
We welcome Rebecca (wife of Francis Nurse- one of those men who had to have respect from both sides of the argument.) who is often times seen trying to calm everyone down. As this is all going down it's just the fingers are just starting to point as Abigail and Tabatha talk about who the saw with the devil so does all the other girls just to avoid being the one taking the blame! thus ending act 1 with "i saw... with the devil!". -
Act 2; entry 1; pages 487- 493
We open on John and Elizabeth Proctor as Elizabeth watches john eat the rabbit she just killed and cooked. Elizabeth then tells John that she let Mary Warren go to court in Salem after he forbade it. Mary the comes back with a puppet for Elizabeth she made at court and explains what happen at court and John forbids her from going back -
Act 2; entry 2; pages 494- 498
Elizabeth and John are in the middle of an argument about his affair when Hale walks in and asks to stay for a bit. Hale eventually starts asking questions to prove the home of the Proctors holy. we find that Elizabeth is pregnant and Giles rushes in to tell them that his wife was arrested for witch craft when all she really did was read books. -
Act 2; entry 3; pages 499- 503
Cheever the clerk of the court inters and is looking to take Elizabeth to jail. for Abigail watched Mary make the doll and to keep it together she stuck the doll in the stomach with the sewing needle. Abigail noticed this and said that Elizabeth had a voodoo doll made for her after she stuck herself with the needle at the dinner table. Elizabeth is taken to jail and John tries to get Mary to tell the court how the needle got in the doll. -
Act 3; entry 1; pages 505-511
We open in court as Martha (Giles's wife) is being questioned in court. Then Giles with evidence to save his wife from hanging but they stop him in his tracks. after a while the truth that the girls are pretending comes out but a slight turn of events hides it all over again. -
Act 3; entry 2; pages 512- 517
Giles goes to jail for basically speaking words no one wanted to hear as he tried to save his wife and failed. Thus the court turns to John and Elizabeth Proctor the court wants to know more about the puppet. John gets Mary to tell the court the truth but because of Abigail they're having a hard time believing her and they decide to test how good the girls are at pretending by asking Mary to pretend to faint. -
Act 3; entry 3; pages 518- 525
Mary tells the court that she cannot faint leading them to think that she actually saw spirits and fainted because of it. Danforth the asks Abigail if the spirits might have just been a fake and Abigail then goes on to feel something in the air seeing this the other girls start to "feel it" too and they all blame it on Mary. the girls then proceed to mock Mary as they blame her for everything thus under pressure she puts the blame on John who she then says made her do the devils work. -
Act 4; entry 1; pages 527-530
We open with a drunk trio Harrick, Sara Good, and Tituba as Tituba and Sara talk about leaving Salem because of all the craziness around them. Harrick is ordered to go get Parris by Danforth. They then talk about the now jailed John and Elisabeth Proctor. -
Act 4; entry 2; pages 531- 533
Danforth, Herrick, and Parris all try to get John Proctor to confess but John would b presumed dead if he hadn't eaten anything. they then decide it to be a good idea to get his wife who is now 6 months pregnant in hopes she'll get him to confess to something that is not true. They get her but she makes no promises and wants nothing but to talk to and see him. -
Act 4, entry 3, 534-539
Elisabeth talks to her husband but doesn't point him in any particular direction as he tries to get her to tell him to stay. he decides that he had already sinned in the future and there was nothing he could do now and that he would confess. shortly after he hears that Giles died heroically then Rebecca as she said words to him on her way to death this is when John decided he would die and Elizabeth would continue her life without him