The crisis of the Ancien Regime

  • Bill of Rights in England

    Bill of Rights in England
  • Bourbon dynasty begins

    Bourbon dynasty begins
  • Period: to

    Felipe V

  • Period: to

    War of the Spanish Succession

  • Period: to

    Nueva Planta decrees

  • Treaty of Utrecht

    Treaty of Utrecht
  • Period: to

    First real manufactured goods

  • Start of the construction of the Royal Palace of Madrid

    Start of the construction of the Royal Palace of Madrid
  • Period: to

    Fernando VI

  • Creation of intendants

    Creation of intendants
  • Publication of Encyclopédie

    Publication of Encyclopédie
  • Period: to

    Carlos III

  • The Social Contract, Rousseau

    The Social Contract, Rousseau
  • Esquilache Mutiny

    Esquilache Mutiny
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
  • Independence of USA

    Independence of USA
  • Decree of Free Trade with Spanich America

  • US Constitution

    US Constitution
  • Period: to

    Carlos IV

  • Report on the Agrarian Law, Jovellanos

    Report on the Agrarian Law, Jovellanos