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The Consitution by maleeha .T.

  • Articles of Confederation adopted.

    Articles of Confederation adopted.
    Gave most power to the states and the goverment the most power.
  • The Consitutional Convention

    The Consitutional Convention
    the Consitutional Convetion was open in Independence Hall, Philidaphia ;Twelve of Thierteen states sent delagates.Rhode Island refused did not want natioanal goverment to interferce.
  • Treaty of Paris.

    Treaty of Paris.
    In 1783 the Treat of Paris gave the United States most of the land from the Atlantic Ocean to the Mississippi River.
  • Shay's Rebelion.

    Shay's Rebelion.
    In 1786 Daniel Shays a Massachuestts farmer organized over a 1,000 to protest.
  • The bill iof rights was added to the consitution

    The bill iof rights was added to the consitution
    The rights of the citizens first president of the United States was elected George Washington.
  • First presisdent elected

    First presisdent elected
    The first president elected was George Washington.
  • Virginia plan

    Virginia plan
    The Virginia plan said that the central goverment said that they should have three branches of goverment.
  • New Jersey Plan

    New Jersey Plan
    The New Jersey Plan gave all states all the same representatives.
  • NorthWest Oridance.

    NorthWest Oridance.
    The law set out a plan for new territory to become states.
  • The Constitution ratified by the first state

    The Constitution ratified by the first state
    Delaware becomes the first state to ratify the costitution.
  • Four states ratified the consitution

    Four states ratified the consitution
    Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Connecticut and Georgia.
  • Consittution ratified by the 8th state

    Consittution ratified by the 8th state
    The bill of rights was the first 10 amendments to protect the citezens.
  • Consitution ratified by the 8th state

    The bill of rights was the first 10 anmedments to the consitution to protect the citizens.
  • Consitution ratified by oe more state

    Consitution ratified by oe more state
    Consitutio ratified by the final state
  • Debate over bill of rights

    Debate over bill of rights
    Federalists argued that Massachusetts already had a bill of rights in its states constitution. The debate was to add a bill of rights to the United Staes Constitution.
  • First president got sworned in or inagurated

    First president got sworned in or inagurated
    President George Washington got swornd.
  • Consitution ratified by one more state

    Consitution ratified by one more state
    The bill of rights was the fist 10 ndmendments to the consitution to protect the citizens.
  • The Great Compromise

    The Great Compromise
    The Great Compromise was proposed by Roger Sherman .Congress would separate in two separation of repersenitives based on population of each state.
  • Preamble

    The Preamble was the interduction to the consitution.