The comunication invents

  • Telephone (Antonio Meucci)

    Telephone    (Antonio Meucci)
    Is a system for transmitting voices over a distance using wire or radio, by converting acoustic vibrations to electrical signals
  • Telegraph (Samuel Morse)

    Telegraph   (Samuel Morse)
    A telegraph is a device for transmitting and receiving messages over long distances, for telegraphy. A telegraph message sent by an electrical telegraph operator or telegrapher using Morse code was known as a telegram.
  • radio (Guglielmo Marconi )

    radio  (Guglielmo Marconi )
    It is a means of communication that is based on the sending of audio signals through radio waves
  • Television (John Logie Baird)

    Television   (John Logie Baird)
    Television is a system for the transmission of images and sound at a distance through Hertz waves.The concept allows referring to both the transmission system and the device that allows the visualization of the images
  • computer (Konrad Zuse)

    computer    (Konrad Zuse)
    A computer is a computing device that is capable of receiving, storing and processing information in a useful way. A computer is programmed to perform arithmetic or logic operations automatically
  • tablet (Alan Kay)

    tablet    (Alan Kay)
    it is a laptop larger than a smartphone, integrated into a touch screen with which you interact primarily with your fingers without the need for a physical keyboard or mouse
  • mobile phone ( Martin Cooper)

    mobile phone   ( Martin Cooper)
    It is a type of computer that is small in size, with processing capabilities, with an Internet connection, with memory, specifically designed for one function, but which can carry out other more general functions.