3000 BCE
How the communication world all started
in 3000 B.C., the invention of Papyrus writing was invented in Ancient Eygpt. -
3000 BCE
Instruments in use
These instruments were invented in 3000 B.C., known as african communication. They were called communication drums. They used these as a form of communication since they could not understand one another's language -
490 BCE
The heliograph was invented. A signaling device by which sunlight is reflected in flashes from a movable mirror. -
Baron Schilling von Canstatt successfully demonstrates the first telegraph in history in his room. -
Morse Code over Radio
British physicist Sir Oliver Lodge demonstrated the reception of Morse code signaling using radio waves using a "coherer". -
Fisrt Television
John Logie Baird demonstrates the world's first television system to transmit live, moving images in tone graduations, to 40 members of the Royal Institution. The 30-line images are scanned mechanically by a disk with a spiral of lenses at 12.5 images per second. -
First email
The first email is created and sent by Ray Thomlinson, a computer engineer working under ARPAnet. -
First text message
The first SMS ever sent was by Brit Neil Papworth who texted ‘Happy Christmas’ to Vodafone director Richard Jarvis at a staff Christmas party. Papworth sent the Short Messaging Service from his work computer to an Orbitel 901 handset. -
The Iphone
The iPhone started shipping