arival of 543 convict men and 189 convict women, in the first fleet under govenor arthur philip first at botany bay then the sydney cove. They brang new convicts to help and start a new colony. -
colonial eora
pemulwuy and his son tedbury of the eora people lanuched a campaign wich lasted over a decade they started a campaign and helped us to start gurella campaign -
colonial eora
A second major settlement is established in van demons land.
(modern day tasmania) they brang more people to help start australia -
colonial eora
Govenor lachlan arrives in NSW to rempose british goverment control.the NSW corps is disabanded.maquare establises the first proper colonial police force thy brang a propper police force to enforce the rules -
colonial eora
there are estimated therer are 24,000 wite people in NSW they have white people to set out rules and lay down the laws to others to set up australia. -
colonial eora
govoner brouke of NSW are increasing lisence fees to stop squatters from killing indegonus. -
colonial eora
Transport to van demons land put a hold for two years.Many convicts are flooding and the colony is at breaking point -
colonial eora
British goverment gives in popular demand and separates the colony of VIC and NSW -
colonial eora
Victoria alone holds more convics than its gold rival,california -
colonial eora
In victorea a free compulsary school act passed all children must go to school when they are six years of age -
colonial eora
henrey lawson composes a song of the republix and urges native born wile australians to choose between land -
colonial eora
corowa conference "the peoples convention",reignights federation enthusiam -
captian philip
With these words the logbook of HMS Sirius recorded the departure of what we know today as "The First Fleet". The eleven ships of the fleet under the command of Captain Arthur Phillip RN took their leave from Portsmouth, England early on Sunday 13 May 1787 bound for a virtually unknown shore eight long months and half a world away. The escort vessel, HMS Hyaena stayed with the fleet until it was clear of the English channel and into open waters. Aboard were some 750 convicts from Britian's overc -