The Colombian History

  • "El Bogotazo"

    "El Bogotazo"
    Violent protests, disorders and repression in the center of Bogotá for the murder of Gaitán.
  • The liberal Jorge Eliécer Gaitán was murdered

    The liberal Jorge Eliécer Gaitán was murdered
    War between liberals and conservatives.
  • Search for the end of the bipartisan conflict.

    Search for the end of the bipartisan conflict.
    Subversive groups including Manuel Marulanda Vélez were not satisfied
  • Murder of Jacobo Prías Álape (friend of Marulanda)

    Murder of Jacobo Prías Álape (friend of Marulanda)
    Marulanda and a group of peasants gathered in Marquetalia, Tolima.
  • Bombing the "Republic of Marquetalia"

    Bombing the "Republic of Marquetalia"
    President Guillermo León Valencia decided to bomb Marquetalia, where a group of liberals and communists of peasant origin was based
  • The FARC (Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia) was created

    The FARC (Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia) was created
    Began with the struggle of a group of peasants for an agrarian reform and the murder of Álape by the State
  • Creation of "Unión Patriótica"

    Creation of "Unión Patriótica"
    Formed by former militants of the subversive organization to end the war, but it was a failed attempt
  • Agreement with Andrés Pastrana

    Agreement with Andrés Pastrana
    President Pastrana ordered the demilitarization of 42,000 km2 in the southeast of the country but this agreement also failed
  • Some attacks by the FARC

    Some attacks by the FARC
  • Attack in Mitú, Vaupés

    Attack in Mitú, Vaupés
    43 people died among police, military and civilians; 62 uniformed were kidnapped.
  • Attack in the Departmental Assembly of Valle del Cauca

    Attack in the Departmental Assembly of Valle del Cauca
    The guerrilla group kidnapped 12 deputies, among them Sigifredo López, of whom 11 politicians were killed
  • Attack at the El Nogal Club

    Attack at the El Nogal Club
    36 people died and 200 were injured for a car bomb
  • Initiation of peace dialogues in La Habana, Cuba

    Initiation of peace dialogues in La Habana, Cuba
  • A peace agreement is achieved

    A peace agreement is achieved
    After many modifications and a denial of the plebiscite, an agreement is reached between the FARC and the State and ends the war in Colombia with President Juan Manuel Santos