The Cold War Timeline

  • Yalta Conference-Division of Germany

    Yalta Conference-Division of Germany
    The yalta conference was also known as the crimea conference and the argonaut conference. This was the meeting in world war two where the government heads of the United States, the United Kingdom, and the Soviet Union discussed the post-war of Europe reorganization. It was mainly to talk about the re-establishment of the nations that were torn apart because of the war. The yalta conference was held between the big three.
  • Korean War- 38th Parallel, MacArthur- Results

    Korean War- 38th Parallel, MacArthur- Results
    The 38th parallel is a circle latitude that is 38 degrees north of the Earth's equatorial plane. It crosses much of the Earth's water including, europe, the mediterranean sea, asia, the pacific ocean, north america, and the atlantic ocean. It was made when japan surrendered, it was to make a boundary between soviet and american occupation zones. It divides the middle of the korean pennisula.
  • Berlin Airlift

    Berlin Airlift
    berlin airlift

    During the berlin airlift, an allied plane took off/landed in west berlin every 30 seconds. A balance of powers was held between all of the allies, which were Great Britain, The United States, France, and The Soviet Union. Capitalism and Communism emerged at the end of the war. President Harry Truman was facing a lot during the year of 1948, and faced a possible chance of getting involved with world war three.
  • Vietnam War- Ho Chi Minh- Domino Theory , Results

    Vietnam War- Ho Chi Minh- Domino Theory , Results
    The domino theory was a theory prominent that stated if one country in a region cam under the communism influence, then all surrounding countries would be in a domino effect. It was used by the United States administrations during the cold war to justify the need for intervention. President Dwight D. Eisenhower stated the theory at a news conference on April 7, 1954. Evidence for the domino theory is the spread of communist rule in three asian countries. Failure took place in Thailand, Indonesia
  • Space Race- Sputnik, NASA, Moon Landing

    Space Race- Sputnik, NASA, Moon Landing
    The Space Race was a competition between the soviet union and the united states for supremacy in spaceflight capability. The soviet union responded to a US announcement of the intent to launch satellites for the international geophysical year. The space race has a legacy of earth communications and weather satellites. It also increased education and research development, which led to better technology.
  • China- Communist Revolution- Mao's Great Leap Foward

    China- Communist Revolution- Mao's Great Leap Foward
    Great Leap Forward
    The Great Leap Foward was an economic and social campaign by the communist party of china. This campaign's leader was Mao Zedong, and he wanted to change the country to a socialist society. His campaign caused a major famine in China. Farming wasn't allowed, and many people suffered because they didnt have anything to eat.
  • Bay of Pigs- Castrop

    Bay of Pigs- Castrop
    The bay of pigs was a failure of military invasion of Cuba undertaken by Brigade 2506. A counter-revolutionary military, trained and funded by the US government's CIA fronted the armed wing of the DRF. The invading force was defeated within three days by cuba under command of Fidel Castro. The cuban revolution forced Fulgencio Batista into exile. He was replaced by the communist movement led by fidel castro.
  • Fall of the Berlin Wall

    Fall of the Berlin Wall
    The berlin wall was a barrier that divided berlin, built by the german democratic republic. It cut off land in west berlin from surrounding east germany and east berlin. It was later torn apart. The barrier had guard towers put on the huge concrete wall with defense. This wall was referred to as the anti-fascist protection rampart. West berlin government saw it as the wall of shame. Many people crossed the border from east berlin into west berlin which led to many deaths.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis- Kennedy- Khrushchev- Fear of Nuclear War, Resolution

    Cuban Missile Crisis- Kennedy- Khrushchev- Fear of Nuclear War, Resolution
    The cuban missile crisis was also known as the october crisis, the missile scare, and the caribbean crisis. This was a 13-day confrontation in October between the US and the soviet union. It was over missiles deployed in cuba. It was a worldwide televised event, and was close to nuclear war. The soviet leader, Nikita Khrushchev agreed to place nuclear missiles in cuba to deter future harassment. An agreement was reached between a secret meeting of Khrushchev and Fidel Castro.
  • Collapse of the Soviet Union

    Collapse of the Soviet Union
    The collapse of the soviet union was officially enacted on december 26, 1991 as a end result of the declaration no. 142-H of the supreme soviet of the soviet union. It acknowledged the independence of the erstwhile soviet republics. The president of the soviet union, Mikhail Gorbachev was the last leader, and handed over the power of soviet nuclear missile launching codes to the russian president as the time. Later during the day the soviet flag was lowered for the last time, and was replaced.