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The Cold War through the Evolution of Feminism in the US

  • 40s

    Women started to find ways to get some money when men went to war by making war supplies or even helping with the production of car machinery for vehicles
  • 40s

    women were starting to approach the idea of female freedom and female identity, the ideology started spreading
  • 40s

    Women began the first demand for protective laws and more power on decisions for society in the USA in a world fully controlled by men
  • Event of the cold war during the 40s

    Event of the cold war during the 40s
    The Cold War was solidified by 1947–48, when U.S. aid had brought certain Western countries under American influence and the Soviets had established openly communist regimes.
  • 50s

    10% of all women in U.S were telephone operators, they began to have different ways to affect in society
  • 50s

    At the begining of the year around 10,000 women started finding jobs as secretaries, receptionists or department store clerkswhile men were dealing with the war.
  • 50s

    When WW2 began, women stepped into the civilian and military jobs they left behind.
  • Event of the cold war during the 50s

    Event of the cold war during the 50s
    1959 January 1st: Fidel Castro wins power in Cuba, overthrowing the US-backed dictator Fulgencio Batista.
  • 60s

    Fights about women’s labor shifted from protective laws to non-discrimination clauses.
  • 60s

    There were veterans of civil rights marches and anti-war protests of the 1960s with faith for a change but racism was getting to a harder situation
  • 60s

    During this time the TV became more popular so televised sitcoms and printed advertisements brought male presentators with a sexist point of view.
  • Event of the cold war during the 60s

    Event of the cold war during the 60s
    On August 20, 1968, the Soviet Union led Warsaw Pact troops in an invasion of Czechoslovakia to crack down on reformist trends in Prague.
  • 70s

    On Aug. 26, 1970, 50,000 feminists paraded down New York City’s Fifth Avenue with linked arms, blocking the major thoroughfare during rush hour fighting for equality between genders.
  • Event of the cold war during the 70s

    Event of the cold war during the 70s
    1. February 11th: The US, Soviet Union and 92 other nations sign the Seabed Treaty, banning the testing or deployment of nuclear weapons on the ocean floor.
  • 70s

    .In 1973 the U.S. Supreme Court legalized abortion in all fifty states.
  • 70s

    The laws were set up, allowing for state intervention in the second and third trimesters in abortion cases.
  • 80s

    Femministsworkforce a more hospitable space for women with policies banning sexual harassment, something the Equal Opportunity Commission recognized in 1980.
  • 80s

    The topic was really controversial and represed by the male society, protests during this year were getting more violently repressed by police and law.
  • Event of the cold war during the 80s

    Event of the cold war during the 80s
    The Soviets had invaded Afghanistan, causing President Jimmy Carter to withdraw a strategic arms limitation treaty (SALT II) from Senate ratification, boycott the 1980 Olympics Games in Moscow, and ban U.S. grain sales to Moscow.
  • 80s

    Feminist ideas travelled from the US, to the UK and Europe becoming more globalized.
  • 90s

    Women began delaying marriage and children, pursuing higher education, joining the workforce, and assuming independence and identities outside of the home.
  • 90s

    Marriage age for women swung between 20 and 22, but in 1990, it nearly jumped to 24
  • Event of the cold war during the 90s

    Event of the cold war during the 90s
    In late 1991 the Soviet Union collapsed and 15 newly independent nations were born from its corpse, including a Russia with a democratically elected, anticommunist leader. The Cold War had come to an end
  • 90s

    married women surveyed in 1995 reported earning half or more of their total family income.
  • 90s

    married women surveyed in 1995 reported earning half or more of their total family income.