The First Red Scare
When the communist party first took over the Soviet Union in 1917 the US became scared that immigrants from Russian would come over and upset out values. Communist is the opposite of what the US values and they did not want anyone bringing over radical ideas to disturb those values. http://www2.maxwell.syr.edu/plegal/tips/t4prod/silvermanwq3_files/image006.jpg -
End of World War II
At the end of World War II Germany was split between the Soviet Union, Great Britian, France and the US so hat they could eraticate Nazis. However, everyone except for the Soviet Union was against communism and they plotted to protect themselves from the spread of it and secure democracy. http://www.chicagonow.com/adventures-house-hunting/files/2013/05/divided-germany-300x229.png -
Truman Makes New Foreign Policy
Harry Truman changes US foreign policy so that it has radical ideologies which grows our military to be stronger even during a time of peace. He did this so that he would be ready for any communist attack. https://history.state.gov/milestones/1945-1952/truman-doctrine -
The Second Red Scare
When WWII ended the Soviet Union became one of the worlds super powers. The Soviet Union was communist and therefore an opposing factor to the US. In 1947, a man named John McCarthy capitalized on the US’s fear against the Soviet Union and creates paranoia that they were invading our country through spies. http://sdjekic.files.wordpress.com/2007/08/mortalenemy.jpg -
Berlin Blockade
Joseph Stalin blocked off all ground routes to West Berlin so that he could have more control over the other forces occupying Germany. When supplies were no longer able to be transported by land many companies began sending supplies through air drops. http://www.poorwilliam.net/pix/berlin-airlift-kids.jpg -
NATO was Formed
The North Atlantic Trade Organization was formed by the French, British and American powers in the west side of the world. All of the democratic countires that were not under the power of the Soviet Union came together and united against them. The mian purpose of this organization was to prevent another world war, bacause if one place was attacked all of the other place would take offence. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/f6/Location_NATO_2009_blue.svg/2000px-Location_NATO_ -
Communist Take Over China
The civil war in China between Communist and Nationalist eneded when Mao Zedong becoming the communist leader of China. This made the US worry that the spread of communism would not stop. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_Germany_(1945%E2%80%9390) -
The Korean War
After the Japanese lost control over Korea when WWII was over both the US and the Soviet Union took part in re-settling Korea. The Soviet Union was helping the north and had a communist influence. While the south was being helped by the US and had an anti-communist outlook. These opposing views lead to a north versus south war that was based on the Soviet Union and US conflict. The war finally came to a draw in 1953. http://s.hswstatic.com/gif/willow/korean-war4.gif -
The Vietnam War
In 1954 Vietnam won its independance with the leadership from Ho Chi Minh. The US was all for Vietams independance, but France wanted its colony back. Because the US wanted to keep France their ally for the Cold War. Therefore, the US helps fund the Vietnam War for the French. http://a.abcnews.go.com/images/International/gty_pows_released_mi_130327_blog.jpg -
The Warsaw Act
The Soviet Union's reaction to NATO was to create its own Organization in the Warsaw Act. It banded together all of its places of power as a way to protect itself. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/46/Military_power_of_NATO_and_the_Warsaw_Pact_states_in_1973.svg/2000px-Military_power_of_NATO_and_the_Warsaw_Pact_states_in_1973.svg.png -
The Space Race Begins
In 1957 the Soviet Union launched two rockets into space, one with a living creature. This technology makes the US envious and scared so they begin to try and make space technology. It scared the US that the Soviet Union has space technology because it could be used for advanced weaponry. http://www.fromquarkstoquasars.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/sputnik_1.jpg -
The Bay of Pigs
Early in President Kennedy's term Castro the ruler of Cuba at the time was beginning to become communist and go against the US. Eventually, the US tried to storm Cuba to take control so that communism would not move in. They attacked the Bay of Pigs and failed miserably out of 1000 men, 100 were killed and many were captured. http://files1.coloribus.com/files/adsarchive/part_1499/14993255/file/the-jfk-presidential-library-and-museum-bay-of-pigs-small-82722.jpg -
The Cuban Missile Crisis
Cuban finally began dealing with the Soviet Union and decided to let them build missiles. The Soviet Union started to build the missiles in secret in Cuba so that they could take control of the US without them knowing. Fortunately, we caught them in the act of making the missiles and were able to blockade them until they surrendered. This was considered Kennedy’s greatest victory. http://www.glynn.k12.ga.us/~pwilliam/BHS/academics/junior/durham/alexb9605/homecollage.jpg -
Mikhail Gorbachev Take Over the Soviet Union
Gorbachev takes control of the Soviet Union and puts Glasnost and Perestroika laws into play. ,Glasnost allowed the Soviet Union to be more accepting of Western ideas and let them trade in more Western goods. Perestroika even gave trade incentives to increase Soviet Union and Western cooperation. This new feedom helped end the Cold War. http://www.nndb.com/people/416/000023347/gorbachev1-sized.jpg -
The End of the Cold War
Polish voters elected someone who was non-communist in opposition to the Soviet Union, Even though Poland expected the Soviet Union to react badly and come take over, However, Mikhail Gorbachev refused to react and communist parties began falling everywhere. http://russia-insider.com/sites/insider/files/styles/s400/public/2224.jpg?itok=bMFN_rNN