
The Cold War

  • Period: 48 to 52

    Truman Doctrine/Marshall Plan

    The Marshall plan was established to give all the country's effected by WW2 money to support their country. Even though some country's rejected others accepted and benefited heavily. The Truman Doctrine was established to protect the country's threatened by Communism.
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    Joe McCarthy

    Was an American Politician and U.S senator from Wisconsin. Made up a list of U.S government officials that were communist to get attention to himself.
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    Richard Nixon

    Richard Nixon was a president in 1969 to 1974. Became the first president to resign from office. Richard Nixon pulled through a scandal that almost ruined his presidency.
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    Jackie Robinson

    Jackie Robinson was an African american baseball player that changed the charts after he joined, hit away stereotypes and prved everybody wrong.
  • George H.W Bush

    George H.W Bush
    Famous Quote of "Read my lips, No new taxes." Was the 41st president of the U.S.A from 1989-1993 and is still alive today. He served in the navy before his presidency. Made a lot of policy's that helped american life.
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    Malcolm X

    Malcolm X was a civil rights leader that did anything to prove a point. He drove his followers to do anything to get a point across, to the point of murder.
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    The Television Age

    The television age is an era where televisions were being made form the late 1940's to early 1960's.
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    United Nations

    The United Nations was a Government run committee that assessed problems in different country's without war. There are 193 country's involved.
  • George W. Bush

    George W. Bush
    George W. Bush was our 43rd president and was president from January 20 2001 to January 20 2009. He accomplished a lot in his term but one main thing he accomplished was the Iraq surge. This was when he sent more troops to Iraq. He also was president when Sadaam Hussein was captured.
  • NATO

    NATO is a government organization that promotes the use of democracy. Involves All allied powers.
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    Korean War

    The Korean War was a war between North and South Korea. An estimated 2.5 million lives were lost and most of the battle was fought at the border.
  • Brown Vs. Board Of Ed.

    Brown Vs. Board Of Ed.
    Oliver Brown and his mistress Leola went up against the board of education to integrate the schools in Kansas. Leola was picking her daughter up and noticed the structural issues in the school. She was outraged and eventually brought it up with her husband Oliver Brown. Oliver Brown went to trial with the board of education and won the vote.
  • Medicare/Medicaid

    Medicare was introduced to help out people over 65 pay for medical bills. Medicaid was introduced to help states themselves and poor people of any age pay for their medical bills.
  • Man On The Moon

    Man On The Moon
    On July 20th, 1969 the U.S.A landed on the moon for the first time. The Most amazing experience in human history in my opinion.
  • Kent State Massacre

    Kent State Massacre
    The Kent State Massacre was at a university in Ohio when college students protested against war. A shot rang out and then the government officials opened fire on the students and 4 died and 9 were injured.
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    Jimmy Carter

    Jimmy Carter farmed peanuts and was in the Navy. He created the department of education. Also wanted to resolve tension with the soviet union. Created the department of energy.
  • The Fall Of The Soviet Union

    The Fall Of The Soviet Union
    The fall of the soviet union was an event spanning from March 11 1990 to December 25 1991. All of the countries that were in the U.S.S.R were finally independent.
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    The Iraq/Afghanistan War

    The Iraq/Afghanistan conflict started when terrorists took control of the planes and crashed into the twin towers in 2001. But besides that we are still fighting in those countries today to kick out the Taliban.
  • 2008 Financial Crisis

    2008 Financial Crisis
    The financial crisis of 2008 was ramping up vehicle and house prices throughout the U.S.
  • Barack Hussein Obama

    Barack Hussein Obama
    Barack Obama was the first African american president in then U.S.A. 20 million uninsured american got signed on an affordable care act for Americans that didn't have insurance. He ended the war in Iraq. Ordered the capture and killing of Osama Bin Laden. Saved the U.S auto industry. He also dropped the homeless veteran rate by 50%