The first atomic bomb used in war
The US first used the atomic bomb on Japan during world war 2 this event brought an end to the war. Albert Einstein and his partner Leo Szilard are the creators of the atomic bomb with the help of there crew during the manhattan project. The two scientists sent a letter to Franklin D. Roosevelt to inform him about the bomb and what could happen if it got into the wrong hands. -
The USSR Detonates their first Nuke
When the Soviet Union detonated their first bomb the US were surprised that they obtained nuclear power knowledge in such a short time. The fact that the Soviet Union had nuclear weapons caused Americans to question their own safety. The US respond to their build up of arms was to increase productivity of our nukes. -
US TEST. First hydrogen bomb
The US decided to test the first hydrogen bomb at Enewetak atoll in the Marshall Islands. The bomb proves to be five hundred times more powerful than the nukes dropped in World War Two. The US now has confirmed there position, as top country, in the nuclear arms race so far. -
USSR has successfully test their first intercontinental ballistic missle(ICBM) which can be fired into any part of the world. This creation has brought great concern to the US, which starts a national debate between the "missle gap" the two super powers control. -
This is the start of the space race, which began when USSR launched its first artificial satellite at ten twenty-nine p. M. Moscow. It was launched from the tyuratam base in Kazakh republic. They named it Sputnik after the word "satellite" in Russian language. Sputnik had a diameter of 22 inches and weighed 184 pounds, the satellite circled earth once every hour and 36 minutes. The satellite sent back strong waves of signals which could be received from anyone with a regular radio. -
These three scientists William Pickering, James Van Allen, and German scientist Wernher von Braun created a model of Explorer 1, the first American satellite, on 31 January 1958 after the satellite was shot up into space by a “Jupiter C” rocket at Cap Canaveral Space Center. This had brought the US into the space race and we have been improving our space technology since then. -
The United States Congress passes legislation formally founding the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). The establishment of NASA was a sign that the United States was determined to winning the “space race” against USSR.
October 1957, the Soviet Union shocked the world, and particularly the American public, by launching the first satellite into orbit around the earth, Sputnik, the small spacecraft was an embarrassment to the United States the US lost against the Soviet Union. -
There are a lot of European countries with space programmes, especially if u look at the days of the cold war when the US and USSR led the race. Germany (DLR), France (CNES), the Netherlands (SRON), Norway (NSC), and Sweden (SNSB) all have current projects they were working on as well as the European organisation, ESA, which has 18 member states and six cooperating states. -
Thirty-five years ago, the U.S. hockey team faced off against the USSR for the medal round of the Lake Placid Olympics. Few expected the unexperienced American squad to even pose a threat to the defending champion Russians, but during a match played in the shadow of the Cold War, they made three successive comebacks and ended with an astonishing 4-3 victory. -
they made three victorious comebacks and pulled off a 4-3 victory. Led by coach Herb Brooks, the unexpected Americans went on to their final game, sealing one of the most unlikely gold medal runs in Olympic history. -
Discoverer 14 was the first successful low resolution photo surveillance spacecraft launched by the US Air Force. It was sent up into a polar orbit by a Thor booster from Vandenberg AFB. After Discoverer 14 came back into the atmosphere, it released a parachute and floated toward the ground. The descending parachute was sighted 360 miles southeast of Honolulu, Hawaii. -
First Russian man in space
April 12 was already a huge day in space history twenty years before the launch of the first shuttle mission. On that day in 1961, Russian cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin became the first human in space, making a 108-minute orbital flight in his Vostok 1 spacecraft. This showed the US that they needed to send someone up to space to even out the conpetition. -
First American in space
On May 5, 1961, Alan Shepard became the first American in space. He flew on a Mercury spacecraft. There was just enough room for one person. The suborbital flight, which lasted 15 minutes and reached a height of 116 miles into the atmosphere, was a major win for NASA. -
Big Ivan, better known as Tsar Bomba, was 57 Megatons of Soviet might. That's 1,400 times Hiroshima and Nagasaki combined and ten times the entire combined fire power expended in WWII. In one bomb. One explosion. And, incredibly, that's only half of what it could have done. -
Soviet cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova became the first woman to fly to space when she launched on the Vostok 6 mission June 16, 1963. Valentina Tereshkova was the first woman to go into space. She spent almost three days in space and orbited Earth 48 times. -
1967, China exploded an H-bomb. China was a communist country. In the west, NATO felt out-numbered and so had to place her faith in nuclear missiles. China Didn't play that much of a role in the arms race but they have improved there nuclear fire power since then. -
The Russians passed the Americans again on March 18, 1965, when cosmonaut Alexei Leonov performed the first spacewalk during the one-day Voskhod 2 mission. For 12 minutes and 9 seconds, Leonov opened the doors on an entire new branch of exploration as the first spacewalker. -
Miracle on ice US DEFEATS USSR 4-3
The Soviet squad, previously regarded as the finest in the world, fell to the youthful American team 4-3 before a frenzied crowd of 10,000 spectators. The US were not expected to beat Soviet Union, the most fiersome team in the olympics that year -
Reagan and Gorbachev agreement
Treaty Between the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on the Elimination of Their Intermediate-Range and Shorter-Range Missiles. This treaty has made a great impact to the end of the Cold War. -
On December 25, 1991, the Soviet hammer and sickle flag lowered for the last time over the Kremlin, thereafter replaced by the Russian tricolor flag. Earlier in the day, Mikhail Gorbachev left his post as president of the Soviet Union, leaving Boris Yeltsin as president of the newly independent Russian state. The Cold War has now ended but most of the world now has possession of nuclear weapons.