Apollo 11 1

The Cold War

  • Victory over Japan Day

    Victory over Japan Day
    Japan surrenders, causing World War II to end
  • Stalin's Speech

    Stalin's Speech
    Stalin makes an aggressive speech about communism and capitalism colliding
  • Truman Doctrine

    Truman Doctrine
    President Harry S. Truman swore to contain communism in Europe and to support any countries that try to battle it
  • Marshall Plan

    Marshall Plan
    The Marshall Plan was the American effort to prevent the spread of communism in countries in Europe after World War II by helping them economically
  • Korean War Begins

    Korean War Begins
    North Korea invaded South Korea with the help of Soviet weapons
  • Korean War Ends

    Korean War Ends
    North Korea stays associated with the Soviets while South Korea works with the United States
  • First Human in Space

    First Human in Space
    Russian Yuri Alekseyvich Gagarin was the first man to ever be in space
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuban Missile Crisis
    An American spy saw a Soviet nuclear missile. Russians agreed to remove it and America chose not to invade Cuba
  • US launch of Apollo 8

    US launch of Apollo 8
    The first man orbits the moon
  • US launch of Apollo 11

    US launch of Apollo 11
    Neil Armstrong is the first man to ever walk on the moon with the American Apollo 11
  • SALT agreements signed

    SALT agreements signed
    The Strategic Arms Limitation Talks were talks and treaties based on the arms race between the Soviet Union and America
  • North Vietnam Invades

    North Vietnam Invades
    North Vietnam invades South Vietnam, causing the entire country to become a part of communism
  • Velvet Revolution Comes to End

    Velvet Revolution Comes to End
    Czechoslovakia protests against communism and is one of many countries in Europe to gain a non-communist government since the 1940s
  • Germany Reunited

    Germany Reunited
    With the Berlin wall gone, Western and Eastern Germany were once again together declared as one country
  • Soviet & Cold War End

    Soviet & Cold War End
    Russia officially recognizes the end of the Soviet Union and the Cold War ends