Potsdam Conference
After the World War II Germany the allies stationed in Germany and divided it into multiple sectors. This happened to place stability and order in germany. West germany was controlled by the Americans and British sector and had a democratic government put in place. The soviets forced a communist government in place and went under almost 40 years of sheer misery and suffering. The soviets did this to prevent western influence into the eastern world (Potsdam Conference.). -
Berlin Airlift
The Communist prevented supplies from entering the American sector of Berlin during the Cold War so the Allies established a airlift plan. They would haul cargo and people in and out of west Berlin using bombers and cargo planes into west Germany. This was due to the communist restricting access of the west into Berlin and led to an effective solution. Eventually a rail line was established to take the airlifts place (Berlin Airlift). -
The Warsaw Pact was seen as a threat to the west so they formed NATO among the western European countries to protect Europe against communism, the NATO agreement was a defensive alliance to protect themselves and allies if the communist where to invade. It was successful and is still around till this day, most of the former Warsaw pact members are now apart of NATO and in Russia they are debating joining NATO. ("North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). -
Korean War
North Korea divided from South Korea and declared war on them, soon after this North Korea invaded South Korea. America and countries assisted with NATO supported South Korea while China and the Soviet Union and China supported North Korea (Korean War). -
Warsaw Pact
The Soviet Union signed an agreement among the communist states in central Europe and the Balkans to strengthen the communist grasp and prevent western influence among them. This didn’t benefit any of the countries besides the USSR and led to many countries withdrawing from the agreement and revolts (Warsaw Pact). -
Vietnam War
Vietnam was once a French and British colony until japan seized control of Vietnam. After the war there was a divide in the government, a communist regime up north that didn’t like the British and French and a government down south that supported the British-French. The US was involved to try to prevent the spread of communism and after a decade of war north Vietnam won the civil war. (Vietnam War) -
Suez Crisis
The Egyptians wanted to free a canal of British and French control after they refused to fund Egypt so they declared martial law and occupied it. The British and French supported Israel and the Egyptians attempted minor raids as a fourm of intimidation until Israel mobilized and bordered the canal and created a DMZ. The hostility lasted until the French and British occupied the canal and Israel withdrew (Suez Crisis). -
Space Race/Sputnik
On October the USSR launched a probe named Cпутник один (sputnik 1). This probe rotated around the earth sending a beep constantly every few seconds. Not much today but this meant a lot the Russians and Americans were in a space race and the first to send the first probe into space. Soon after this the Americans launched there version into space and they locked themselves into a battle for control and innovation for space (Sputnik). -
Soviet-Afghan War
Soviet forces Invaded Afghanistan due to the interest of a warm water port (pushing towards India) and spent about 10 years fighting the Mujahideen. The Mujaheddin won the war due to the assisting Pakistan ISI and CIA in training and supplying the Mujahideen. The Soviets ran out of money and were forced to surrender. Soon after this the Mujahadeen disbanded and a portion formed the Taliban seizing control of the government for 10 years (Soviet invasion of Afghanistan). -
Cuban Missile Crisis
After Cuba became communist the Soviet Union supplied them and put nuclear devices and IBCM’s in cuba aiming at the US. this led to major tensions between the three countries and they were on the brinks of war. The USSR was in a way pressured into this since America had already placed missiles in turkey and Germany aiming at the Soviet Union (Cuban Missile Crisis). -
Glasnost & Perestroika
The Soviet Union was in a decline so Gorbachev enacted a policy to bring political and social reforms to the Soviet Union. This enacted freedom of speech, property and such (road to capitalism) and later even enacted a parliament to make social decisions in order to compete with the rest of the world (perestroika).