Truman Doctrine
Statement that USA will provide military and economic aid to countries threatened by the spread of communism. -
Eisenhower became President of the United States in 1948. -
Marshall Plan
The effort to rebuild the war-torn Europe countries. $13 billion in US loans. -
The Council for Mutual Economic Assistance under the leadership of Soviet Union. This was a strategy to prevent communist countries to move toward the ways of the west. -
North Atlantic Treaty Organization, created to strengthen and unify western allies' military response. -
Hydrogen Bomb
The first hydrogen bomb was created. -
Soviet leader after Stalin's death in 1953. We start to see a slight progression in the rulers of the USSR. -
Death of Stalin
The Soviet Union ruler dies of natural causes, and Khrushchev soon takes position. -
Warsaw Pact
Military alliance of Communist Block nations. -
The act of removing the ways of Stalin from his time of rule. -
The first satellite to orbit earth, launched by the Soviet Union. -
Fidel Castro
Communist ruler that seized control of Cuba. Cuba is now a communist government. -
U2 Incident
An american spy plane was shot down by USSR and captured. -
John F. Kennedy
Noted for leading one of the biggest invasion failed, The Bay Of Pigs in Cuba. -
Bay of Pigs
A invasion that was planned by JFK to train and send Cuban exiles to invade and revolt against Castro's communist government. This was the biggest failure to occur in this war. -
Yuri Gagarin
A Russian Cosmonaut that was the first to travel in space. -
Berlin Wall Built
Wall built to keep East Germans from fleeting to West German, away from the poorly run economy and government. -
Cuban Missile Crisis
USSR placed nuclear missiles in Cuba, less than 100 miles from the United States. The brink of a nuclear war. -
Meaning french for relaxation, this was the improvement of the US and USSR relations. -
An agreement with north Korea that the US will slowly withdraw from the war. -
Gary Powers Death
The survivor pilot of the spy plane U2 passes away. -
Restructuring of the Soviet economy. One of the reforms done by Gorbachev. -
One of the reforms done by Gorbachev to the Soviet Union's government system. -
End of the Cold War
Gorbachev and George Bush meet and declare the end of the Cold War. -
Berlin Wall Torn Down
East Germany opened to the west. Germany was reunified. -
Soviet Union Breakup
The USSR is now broken into 15 separate republics. -
Germany is finally one again after the Wall of Berlin is officially taken down. -
Castro's Death
The communist ruler of Cuba dies. -
Brezhnev assumes power of Soviet Union and we begin to see a better relation with USSR. -
United Nations
The UN is created to build better relations with other throughout our world and to prevent any type of human injustices.