The Cold War

  • May & August 1945: World War II Ends and The Cold War Begins

    May & August 1945: World War II Ends and The Cold War Begins
    Tension between the Soviet Union and the U.S increased because of nuclear weapons and the fight to stop the spread communism.
  • 1945:Chinese Civil War Begins

    1945:Chinese Civil War Begins
    For china, it marked the start of the civil war between Chiang Kai-Shek's Nationalist Party and Mao Zedong' Chinese Communist Party.
  • March 1946: Winston Churchill delivers the Iron Curtain Speech

    March 1946: Winston Churchill delivers the Iron Curtain Speech
    Churchill denounced the Soviet Union's policies in Europe and States "From Stettin in the Battle to Trieste in the Adriactic, an Iron Curtain has descended across the continent."
  • May 1948: US and Britain break the Soviet blockade of West Berlin with the Berlin Airlift

    May 1948: US and Britain break the Soviet blockade of West Berlin with the Berlin Airlift
    One of the most dramatic standoffs in the history of the cold war, the blockades a terrible move.
  • June 1948: The French, USA, and UK partitions of Germany were merged to form West Germany

    June 1948: The French, USA, and UK partitions of Germany were merged to form West Germany
    Germany was at in two different global blocks in the east and West.
  • April 1949: NATO is formed

    April 1949: NATO is formed
    NATO was formed to prevent conflict like WWII from happening again.
  • 1949: China divides into two countries (People's Republic of China and Taiwan)

    1949: China divides into two countries (People's Republic of China and Taiwan)
    China was divided into two political entities; they controlled the mainland.
  • 1950: Soviet Union signed friendship treaty with China

    1950: Soviet Union signed friendship treaty with China
    The signing with the Soviet Union was bound to happen, did it to ease tension.
  • 1950 to 1953: Korean War

    1950 to 1953: Korean War
    Began with North Korea invading South Korea.
  • March 1953: Joseph Stalin died at the age of 74. Succeeded by Nikita Khrushchev

    March 1953: Joseph Stalin died at the age of 74. Succeeded by Nikita Khrushchev
    Died in Moscow; was not a native to the country but ruled with an Iron Fist.
  • 1954: Vietnam War Begins

    1954: Vietnam War Begins
    This war began and was fought inVietnam, Laos, and Cambodia.
  • 1955: Warsaw Pact is formed

    1955: Warsaw Pact is formed
    A treaty formed amongst the Soviet Union and 7 satellite states.
  • October 1956: Hungarian Revolution

    October 1956: Hungarian Revolution
    A nationwide revolt against the government of the Hungarian peoples republic and its soviet imposed policies.
  • November 1957: USSr Sputnik carried Laika the dog, the first living creature to go into space

    November 1957: USSr Sputnik carried Laika the dog, the first living creature to go into space
    He was the first living thing in space. The flight was used to ensure the safety of the trip before the humans went.
  • April 1961: US is defeated and humiliated at the Bay of Pigs in Cuba

    April 1961: US is defeated and humiliated at the Bay of Pigs in Cuba
    Invasion in Cuba from the US did not work out.
  • August 1961: Berlin Wall is built

    August 1961: Berlin Wall is built
    The Berlin Wall separated East and West Berlin.
  • October 1962: Cuban Missile Crisis

    October 1962: Cuban Missile Crisis
    Was a 13-day confrontation between the U.S and the Soviet Union, which almost became a nuclear war.
  • July 1969: US Apollo 11 landed on the Moon and Neil Armstrong became the first man on the Moon

    July 1969: US Apollo 11 landed on the Moon and Neil Armstrong became the first man on the Moon
    Apollo 11 lands on the moon and Neil Armstrong became the first man to walk on the moon.
  • May 1972: Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty(SALT) signed between the US and USSR

    May 1972: Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty(SALT) signed between the US and USSR
    SALT was a series of talks between th US and USSR agreed to limit the number of nuclear missiles in their arsenals.
  • 1974: Vietnam War is over

    1974: Vietnam War is over
    The capture of Saigon by North Vietnamese army marked the end of war.
  • April 1975: Cambodia killing fields

    April 1975: Cambodia killing fields
    More than a million people were killed by Khmer Rouge Regime.
  • November 1979: Iranian hostage crisis

    November 1979: Iranian hostage crisis
    It was a diplomatic stand off between Iran and the U.S.
  • December 1979: Soviet Troops invaded Afghanistan

    December 1979: Soviet Troops invaded Afghanistan
    The Soviet Union sent thousands of troops into Afghanistan and immediately assumed complete control of Kabul and large portions of the country.
  • April 1986: Chernobyl Disaster

    April 1986: Chernobyl Disaster
    A catastrophic nuclear accident.
  • June 1989: Tiananmen Square

    June 1989: Tiananmen Square
    Students led a demonstration in Beijing.
  • November 1989: Fall of the Berlin Wall

    November 1989: Fall of the Berlin Wall
    The wall that divided Berlin finally fell.
  • October 1990: Germany is reunited

    October 1990: Germany is reunited
    5 newly formed states joined the German territory.
  • July 1991: Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty(START) signed between Russia and the US

    July 1991: Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty(START) signed between Russia and the US
    A treaty which reduced arms between the two super powers.
  • December 1991: Soviet Union collapses ( Establishment of the Russian Federation)

    December 1991: Soviet Union collapses ( Establishment of the Russian Federation)
    The communist regime has ended in Russia.