Formation of NATO
NATO, standing for North Atlantic Terrorist Organization, was created to provided collective security against the soviet union. Canada was one of the countries which started the organization. -
Period: to
Cold War
The first use of the Atomic bomb - little boy
During the final stage of the Second World War, the United States dropped an atomic bomb on the Japanese city of Hiroshima. -
Atomic bomb on Nagasaki - Fat man
During the final stage of the Second World War, the United States dropped an atomic bomb on the Japanese city of Nagasaki. -
Gouzenko Affair
Gouzenko proved that there was an active Russian spy ring in Canada who wanted to steal nuclear secrets from the government, using the then-unknown technique of planting sleeper agents. In the end, in fear of retribution from the Soviets, Gouzenko had to wear a “bag-like” thing over his head to protect his anonymity, making him famous for that aspect of him. He and his family were secretly relocated, and had their identities changed. -
Formation of the United Nations
The United Nations was established as a way to better settle international conflict and negotiating peace. Declaration, signed by 26 nations in January 1942, as a formal act of opposition to the Axis Powers. -
Korean War
The Korean War began when some 75,000 soldiers from the North Korean People’s Army poured across the 38th parallel. This invasion was the first military action of the Cold War. In July 1951, both sides were willing to accept a ceasefire that maintained the 38th parallel boundary, but they could not agree on whether prisoners of war should be forcibly “repatriated”, so they continued to fight. The war lasted another two years and finally, in July 1953, the Korean War came to an end. -
Formation of the warsaw pact
The Warsaw Treaty got its name mainly because it was signed in Warsaw. The reason it was signed was because The Soviet Union and seven of its European satellites wanted to establish a mutual defense organization that put the Soviets in command of the armed forces of the member states. The pact lasted until 1991. -
Vietnam war
When the Vietnam war first started -
Suez Crisis
The Suez Crisis was a military and political confrontation in Egypt that threatened to divide the United States and Great Britain, potentially harming the Western military alliance that had won the Second. Canada had a huge part in this crisis as a Canadian man by the name of Lester B. Pearson. -
Formation of Norad
An agreement was announced that a new organization was to be formed between Canada and the United States, known as NORAD or the North American Air Defence Agreement. This was intended to be an integrated system of defensive measures, installations and systems that would provide early warning and protection to North America in case of an attack by the Soviet Union. -
The cancellation of the Avro Arrow
The Avro Arrow (CF-105), was an advanced, supersonic, twin-engine, all-weather interceptor jet aircraft developed by A.V. Roe, who was a Canadian, in 1949 until the government's cancellation of the project in 1959. The main reason the project was canceled, was due to the great costs it took to build it, because it was a truly amazing aircraft and test that it performed in, it did really well. -
Cuban Missile crisis
The crisis started when leaders of the US and the Soviet Union started a tense, 13-day political and military standoff in October 1962. It was all over the installation of nuclear-armed Soviet missiles on Cuba which was just 90 miles from US shores.The whole crisis only lasted 14 days in total and came to a nice, easy, and safe result. -
SALT treaty
SALT stands for Strategic Arms Limitations Talks, made or meet to establish control ABM race and control over nuclear weapons. The Soviet Union and United States signed the first treaty to put a limit on the amount of missiles used. Since SALT I did not prevent each side from enlarging their forces through the deployment of Multiple Independently Targeted Re-Entry Vehicles (MIRVs), SALT II limited the number of them. -
The end of the Vietnam war
Canada, was one of the countries to constitute the International Control Commission, which was supposed to monitor the 1954 ceasefire agreement. Officially, Canada did not have partisan involvement in the Vietnam War and diplomatically it was "non-belligerent". -
Strategic defense initiative
The intent of the Strategic Defense Initiative Program was to develop a sophisticated anti-ballistic missile system in order to prevent missile attacks from other countries, specifically the Soviet Union.. The Strategic Defense Initiative was eventually abandoned, and yet with political pressure, both domestic and international, combined with budgetary conflicts, the Strategic Defense Initiative was slated for failure from the start. -
The fall of the Berlin wall
the Communist government of the German Democratic began to build a barbed wire and concrete wall between East and West Berlin. The purpose of this Berlin Wall was to keep Western “fascists” from entering East Germany and undermining the socialist state. In 1989, when the head of the East German Communist Party announced that citizens of the GDR could cross the border whenever they pleased, the wall was broken down. -
breakup of the Soviet Union
A few days before December 25 1991, representatives from 11 Soviet republics met in the Kazakh city and announced that they would no longer be part of the Soviet Union. Instead, they declared they would establish a Commonwealth of Independent States. Because the three Baltic republics had already declared their independence from the USSR, only one of its 15 republics, Georgia, remained. The once-mighty Soviet Union had fallen.