The Cold War

  • Postdam Conference

    Postdam Conference
    "Potsdam Confrence was the final wartime meeting" Between the three allied nations "Big Three" Among missues dicused was the Soviet Union in war against U.S. It was terms to end world war 2, but after the conflict started to arise to begin the cold war.
  • Period: to

    The Cold War

    The United Staes ans the Soviet Union had a worldwide power struggle for political influence.
  • Beginning of the Cold War

    The Stalins actions in Berlin was a response to an increasing tense nature of the relationship between the U.S and the Sviet Union. The U.S attempted to stop the spread of communism, but Russia wanted to spread it, causing tension between the two.
  • Berlin Blockade/Airdrift

    Berlin Blockade/Airdrift
    Supplies were airlifted and sent to Berlin such as coal and food from the U.S, because the Berlin people were starving ad freezing.
  • Berlin Wall

    Berlin Wall
    The Berlin wall is a giant cement wall between East Germany and West Berlin. Since lots of people were leaving they thought they couldnt survive as a state, because west Berlin was capitalist that led the people to having a beter life.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuban Missile Crisis
    The Svoiet Union wanted to place mistles in Cuba for another place to put them, but the U.S did not want them to do that, because if they were to go off they would wipe out all the U.S people before they could stop and protect themsleves.
  • Vietnam War

    Vietnam War
    North Korea wanted the whole Counrty to be communist, but South Korea wanted it to be a captalist Country just like the U.S. Also, the Soviet Union and China gave weapons which were used in battle as well as weapons on U.S's behalf.
  • Fall of Communism/Soviet Union

    Fall of Communism/Soviet Union
    The U.S had the upper hand and more power, because most people were for the captalism state rather than the Soviet Union's communist state, so the Soviet Union finally got to the point where they cound not fund for all of thier resources and weapons used to go against the U.S.
  • Glasnot/Perestroika

    They were two poloicies made to reconstruct the political and economic systems established by the communist party, and gave more rights and freedom of expression to the Soviet people.
  • Period: to


    This is about the 2 policies in affect. It was made to reconstruct the political and economical systems established by the communist party and give more rights, freedom, and expression to the Soviet people.