• Period: to


  • Formation of the United Nations

    Formation of the United Nations
    response to wwII
    formed to prevent wars
    unify nations
    make peace
  • Iron Curtain descends on Europe

    Iron Curtain descends on Europe
    descends after wwII europe slip into 2
  • Truman Doctrine

    Truman Doctrine
    design to support anti communist support greece and turkey some consider it the start of the cold war

    The Marshall plan was know by the European Recovery as well. The program rasied $13 billion to help finance europes economic Gerorge C. Marshall lead this plan and gave a speech at Harvard University June 5, 1947.
  • Creation of Israel

    Creation of Israel
    due to the aliied forces after world war II they decided to make a place of there own
  • Formation of NATO

    Formation of NATO
    north atlantic treaty main purpose was to defend from commusnist soviet union taking over them nato has helped many countries.
  • Berlin Air Lift

    Berlin Air Lift
    germany split into 2 separate countries after the airlift 65% of cargo was coal dropped candy to berlin in little parachutes U.S & Great Britain flew 277,00 flights to berlin
  • Korean War

    Korean War
    was the first military action to happen in the cold war
    the U.S dropped lots of bombs in korea
    supported by the soviet union
    U.S used almost 1,500 dogs
    86,300 veterans were women
    first jet dog fight happaned in the korean war
  • Stalin Dies

    Stalin Dies
    was leader of the soviet union caused many deaths lead wwII victory suffered from cerebral hemorrhage 3 speeches were made during hes death
  • Warsaw Pact formed

    Warsaw Pact formed
    a collective defense treaty among eight communist states of Central and Eastern Europe
  • Suez Crisis

    Suez Crisis
    UN (UNITED NATIONS) ceased fire deployment in sinai (unef) United nations emergeny force superpower became a end to britain political victory on egypitian
  • Sputnik I & Sputnik II

    Sputnik I & Sputnik II
    sputnik 1 was a 40 pound sphere
    sputnik 2 had a tv camera
    failed to separate
    2 spacecraft to go orbit earth
    sent a dog in it
  • NASA is formed

    NASA is formed
    was to win a space race president john f kennedy set a goal of putting a man on the moon neil armstrong was the first human being on the moon
  • Vietnam War (U.S. involvement)

    Vietnam War (U.S. involvement)
    america wanted to prevent commuist takeover
    vietnam signed a treaty with the united states in 1991
    190,000 U.S troops in south vietnam
    battle death - 476,410
    U.S -heavily bomb north vietnam
  • Bay of Pigs invasion

    Bay of Pigs invasion
    there was 176 killed from the cuban army 500 or more were wounded 1,2022 were captured fail military invasion of cuba

    On the west side of the berlin wall it was coverd by graffiti The wall was made so the east berliners wont ther the west almost 136 humans died from trying to cross the wall size of the wall is 155 km was taken down 1989

    People all over the world were scared because some thought this could of start wwIII. There was coverage that lasted 2-3 days and would be the only thing on TV. U,S had discoverd missile on gorund in cuba. Russians didnt really feel that it was a really big deal for them Kennedy got more respect by telling the russians to remove the missles
  • kennedy assassinated

    kennedy assassinated
    Lee Harvey Oswald was the man who killed
    pesident kennedy on Novmeber 22 of 1963. John kennedey was burried 2 weeks after hes death Novemeber 22 the president and he's wife attended breakfast in Fort Worth, Texas He was 1 of the 4th presidential assassination that has ever happened in a nation of fewer than two - hundred years old.

    23 of January in 1968, the vessel named USS Peblo was caputerd by the North koreans. The Koreans forced for the vessel to surrender. The americans tried to escape but it was too late the north Koreans started to aim and fire there wepaons. There was a crew of 83. It was was the first U.S NAVY vessel to be Hi-jacked.
  • Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty

    Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty
    agreement to not make anymore weapons that are neclear treaty to stop sending nuclear weapons our the world
  • UN Resolution 2758

    UN Resolution 2758
    change in chinas representation
  • Nixon visits China

    Nixon visits China
    met mao zedong & zhou enlai to understand about taiwan & other dipomatic issues nixion was the 37th president
  • Salt I & Salt II Agreements

    Salt I & Salt II Agreements
    abm treaty and the interim agreement basic framework
  • Paris Peace Accords

    Paris Peace Accords
    made to make peace in vietnam end to vietnam war
  • South Vietnam falls

    South Vietnam falls
    the country was officially together as a Socialist Republic of Vietnam

    52 americans were held hostage for 444 days
    Carter didnt do anything to help the hostages
    some students to over the U.S EMABSSY
    Former Shah died - july 27,1980
  • Korean Airline Flight 007

    Korean Airline Flight 007
    soviet su-15 shot down the plane all passengers were killed 269 passengers airplane was a on spy mission
  • U.S. invades Grenada

    U.S. invades Grenada
    death in U.S 19 - 116 wounded death in Grenada 45 - 358 wounded death in cuba 25 - 59 wounded - 638 captured
  • U.S. & Soviet boycotts of the Olympics

    U.S. & Soviet boycotts of the Olympics
    claimed they would not be ready for attacks or protests.
  • Iran Contra Affair

    Iran Contra Affair
    hostages killed some preseident reagan selled iran some spare parts to american jets they owned iran let the hostages go defeated sandanistas
  • Chernobyl disaster

    Chernobyl disaster
    leased 5% radioactive reactor core 2 workers died at night 28 peopele died within some weeks 138 cases of this incident
  • Tiananmen Square Massacre

    Tiananmen Square Massacre
    deaths were between 241-2,600
    iinjuries were between 7,000 - 10,000
    the tanks they used were (type 59)
    had a tank man
    Causes -
    Political corruption
    career prospects
  • USSR invades Afghanistan

    USSR invades  Afghanistan
    there was 256 missing wouded- 53,753 killed-14,453
  • Dissolving of the Soviet Union

    Dissolving of the Soviet Union
    flag flew over moscow
    after the fall of the soievet union boris yeltsin was the 1st president of russia
  • Potsdam Conference

    Potsdam Conference
    negotiate terms for end of wwII
    one of the last wwII meetings