Truman Doctrine Announced
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Truman_DoctrineTo support anti-Communist forces in Greece and Turkey, President Harry S. Truman authorized U.S. aid in order to stop the Soviet expansionism. This policy was expanded to aid plans for holding back the spread of Communism. -
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) established
http://www.history.com/topics/cold-war/formation-of-nato-and-warsaw-pact In 1949 the U.S. and other 11 western countries established a security pact against any security threat in general and communist nations in particular. This alignment established a framework that grouped countries of same interest and increased the tension between the East and West. This pact has continued its existence and gained more countries after the Cold War. In response to NATO establishment, on 1955 communist nations formed their own alliance against the U.S. and other western countries -
Soviet Union Tests its First Atomic Bomb
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soviet_atomic_bomb_projectOn August 29, 1949 the Soviet Union exploded and tested its first atomic bomb at Semipalatinsk, Kazakhstan. This event had multiple consequences it first ended the U.S. monopoly of atomic weaponry and then it launched the Cold War and Arms Race era which led to the creation of “Super Bomb” by the U.S. in 1952. -
Chinese Communists Took over China
(Slide 4: Realities of International Politics)
China had fallen in the hands of communist party when party’s leader Mao Zedong took over in China and became its leader. His nationalists’ opponents run away to the island of Taiwan. The U.S. and other western democracies were shocked by this loss. -
Korean War
(Slide 8: Korean War 1950-1953)
(not sure about the date but it was in the early 1950s)
The escalation between democratic South Korea and communist North Korea started in the early 1950s. North Korea invaded South Korea and the U.S. backed up South Korea as a way to stop communist expansion. -
Fidel Castro overthrown Cuban Government
(slide 13 : Election of 1960)
In 1959, the communism Fidel Castro took over in Cuba and overthrown the U.S. friendly government. Since then Cuba became a strong ally with communist countries. -
Bay of Pigs Invasion
(Slide 13: Election of 1960)
The U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) tried to overthrow the new communist government of Cuban leader Fidel Castro. The plan was to invade the island with armed opponents of Castro. The mission failed and it was unsuccessful. -
Berlin Wall
http://www.history.com/topics/cold-war/berlin-wallIn 1961, the Communist Government of East Berlin built a wall on the border of East and West Berlin to divide the twin and to keep people from crossing over into the West. In 1989 the border was removed. The establishment of Berlin Wall was one of the most powerful events of the Cold War. -
Sino Soviet Split
http://query.nytimes.com/gst/abstract.html?res=9F05E0DA173CEF3BBC4C51DFB7668388679EDEThis event was one of the key events of Cold War as the two largest communist nations – the Soviet Union and China are conflicting and facing each other. The ideological debate between the political communist parties of the two nations led to the split. This event benefited the U.S. and other western countries in a way that the leaderships of world communism are splitting and eventually weakening. -
Cuban Missile Crisis
(Slide 17: Cuban Missile Crisis (Oct ’62)
This event was the strongest tension between the U.S. and Soviet Union during cold war. It started when Soviet Union decided to install nuclear missiles on its ally land Cuba which is about 90 miles away from Florida. President JFK gave a speech to American people about the danger they face and the need to take an action. The issue was resolved and both nations avoided a deadly nuclear war. -
Soviets invaded Afghanistan
(Slide4:Realities of International Politics)
The Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan in 1979. The U.S. used this war as a proxy war and fought Soviets by using and supporting Afghan people. This war was the beginning to start arming and economic competition between the two strongest opposing poles. -
Intermediate-Range And Shorter-Range Missiles (INF Treaty)
http://www.state.gov/t/avc/trty/102360.htmIn efforts to contain and limit the Arms Race, the Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev and U.S. President Reagan signed the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces which was the first arms accord signed by both Moscow and Washington that calls for the elimination of intermediate and short range missiles. This accord was the origin of ending Cold War and its Arms Race. -
Soviet Union Collapsed
(Slide10: Space Race) The Soviet Union was economically weak due to large spending on space programs as well as Afghan war. Eventually in 1991 the U.S. won the cold war as the Soviet Union collapsed.