Cold War 1947-1953
The Cold War began after WWII between the two superpowers USA and USSR. It was a state of political and military tension between the two sides. Within the first two years after WWII ended, the soviet union tried to gain more power by conwuering the eastern bloc but the USA was sending reinforcemnt troops to the west in order to contain the USSR. The name "Cold" War was given because there was no large scale battle between the two opposing sides. -
Cold War 1947-1953 NATO
NATO was the group created by the United Sates, Great Britain, France, Canada, Denmark, Portugal, Norway, Belgium, Iceland, Luxembourg, Italy, and the Netherlands came together as the North Atlantic Treaty Organization but The soviet union had a couterpart called the Warsaw pact consisted of the soviet, Albania, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, East Germany, Bulgaria, Romania, and Poland. -
Cold War 1947-1953
Thousands of people in West Germany protested in 1947 against the food situation that was being held. The USSR wanted the Germans to suffer and they wanted to destroy their capacity in resulting the Morgenthau plan which was to bring Germany back as a pastoral state without heavy industry. But the Americans had different plans and General George Marshall was put in charge by President Truman. After weeks of negotiation, prime minister of the soviet union had rejected the plan. -
Cold War 1947-1953
The truman doctorine speech led by General Marshall had come up with a comprehensive plan of American assisstance to all of the European countries including the USSR and the eastern europe countries who wanted to participate. This plan developed the name the Marshall Plan. -
Cold War 1953-1962
During this time period, there was multiple series of events that occured during the Cold War. Starting with the death of Joseph Stalin in 1953 all the way to the Cuban Missle Crisis that took place in 1962. -
Cold War 1953-1962
Joseph Stalin died on March 5, 1953. His death led to a temporary thaw in Cold War tensions but shortly regained its status once Nikita Khrushchev took his place at the helm. -
Cold War 1953-1962
Nikita Khrushchev had his first speech while he was in power for the soviets. He shocked everyone by denouncing Satlin's personality cult and the many crimes that had occured during Satlin's leadership.Even though the meeting was held privately, the word got out to the public and it shocked soviet allies and wester observers. -
Cold War 1962-1979
This time period refers to the phase within the Cold War that produced the aftermath of the cuban missile crisis and went through the detente period which started in 1969 and ended in the early 1970s. -
Cold War 1953-1962
The cuban missile crisis also know as October crisis was the event where the soviet union was building up a mass destruction of missiles and the United states were able to get a photograph of these missiles being transported. President Kennedy was informed and he acted and made a visit with Andrei Gromyko Soviet prime minister who informed President Kennedy they were only for personal defense. The crisis was adverted once Kennedy and Soviet Union came to an agreement of taking away the missles. -
Cold War 1962-1979
President John F Kennedy was assassinated at 12:30 P.M. in Dealey Plaza in Dallas, Texas. He was shot in the head by a sniper and his killer was named Lee Harvey Oswald. Which led to Lyndon B Johnson to take over in Office. -
Cold War 1979-1985
During this time in the Cold War brought the phase of deterioration in reltaion between the Soviet Union USSR and the West. After the election of Ronald Reagan and British Prime minister Margaret Thatcher a change in western foreign policy toward the Soviet Union abandoning Detente. During this era nuclear war had reached its highest point since the cuban missle crisis. -
Cold War 1985-1991
On December 8, 1987 Soviet General Secretary Gorbachev and President Reagan both signed the INF treaty. The INF treaty Intermediate-range Nuclear forces treaty was signed to eliminate nuclear and conventional ground-launched ballistic and cruise missles with intermediate ranges. -
Cold War 1985-1991
The fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 not only symbolized freedom but the end to communism.