The Cold War 1945-1991

  • U.S. Dropped Atomic Bomb

    U.S. Dropped Atomic Bomb
    The United States dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Japan. The United State became the first and only nation to use atomic weapons. It is said that the atomic bomb ignited the Cold War. Their relationship with the Soviet Union disintegrated.
  • Berlin Airlift Began

    Berlin Airlift Began
    The United States created a massive airlift of food, water, and medicine to the citizens in response to the Soviet Union blocking land routes into West Berlin. American planes helped over 2 million people in West Berlin for about a year.
  • The Soviet Union's First Bomb

    The Soviet Union's First Bomb
    The Soviet Union Exploded its first bomb. The U.S. was not expecting the Soviet Union to possess nuclear weapons so soon. They named their first atmoic bomb, "First lightning."
  • The Warsaw Pact Formed

    The Warsaw Pact Formed
    The Soviet Union and seven of its European Satellites including the Soviet Union, Albania,Poland, Romania, Hungary, East Germany, Czechoslovakia, and Bulgaria signed a treaty establishing the new Warsaw pact. It was a mutual defense organization that put Soviets in command of the armed forces of the member states. Their role was to defend any member attacked by an outside force.
  • Soviet Union Destructs Hungarian Revolution

    Soviet Union Destructs Hungarian Revolution
    Thousands of Hungarians were killed and nearly 25,000 left the country. One of the reasons that caused it was because thousands of Hungarian protesters demanded a more democratic political system and freedom from Soviet domination.
  • Soviets Launched First Satellite

    Soviets Launched First Satellite
    The successful satellite was called Sputnik 1. It was a small satellite that orbited the Earth. Americans were frightened and surprised that the Soviets were technologically advanced and felt that they were ahead because of their accomplishment.
  • Fidel Castro Sworn In

    Fidel Castro Sworn In
    Castro was sworn in as prime minister of Cuba and installed the communist government. He took control of the Cuban Government after Batista left defeated to the Dominican Republic.
  • Bay Of Pigs

    Bay Of Pigs
    Kennedy adopeted Eisenhower's CIA campaign to train an army of Cuban exiles. 1200 exiles armed with American weapons and landing crafts stumbled ashore at the Bay of Pigs in Cuba. The failure cost the United States and Kennedy tried redeeming himself by publicly accepting the blame for the failure.
  • East Germnay Built The Berlin Wall

    East Germnay Built The Berlin Wall
    East Germany build the Berlin Wall to stop the flow of emigrants. The East German Army, police force, and construction workers completed a barbed wire and concrete block wall that divided one side of the city from the other. It stopeed the amount of refugees from East to West and decreased the crises over Berlin.
  • China Exploded Their First Atomic Bomb

    China Exploded Their First Atomic Bomb
    Although the United States was not surprised because of their intelligenced, they were stil concerned. China took a stance to encourage worldwide revolution against the forces of capitalism.
  • U.S. Sent First Combat Troops to South Vietnam

    U.S. Sent First Combat Troops to South Vietnam
    The United States sent its first combat troops to South Vietnam to protect the U.S. airbase there. It was the first committment of American troops but both China and the Soviet Union stated they would intervene if the U.S. continued to apply its military on behalf of the South Vietnamese.
  • President Nixon Arrived In China

    President Nixon Arrived In China
    President Nixon wanted to ease the relationship with the communist people's republic of China by traveling to Bejing. It started to reestablish the relationship between the U.S. and China.
  • South Vietnam Communist

    South Vietnam Communist
    South Vietname falls to communist forces. Their forces had failed because of how fast the advancement of the North was growing. The North Vietnamese attacked the South defeating them. The South Vietnamese ended falling back into complete anarchy.
  • Soviet Army Invaded Afghanistan

    Soviet Army Invaded Afghanistan
    The Soviets organized a massive military airlift ito Kabul. They wanted to advocate treaty of 1978. It involved an estimate of 280 aircrafts, each one with 85,000 men.
  • The Berlin Wall Demolished

    The Berlin Wall Demolished
    Starting at midnight, East Berlin's communist party announced that citizens were free to cross the country's borders. More than 2 million people from the East visited the West that weejend to celebrate. East and West Germany reunited on Oct. 3 1990.
  • The End Of The Soviet Union

    The End Of The Soviet Union
    Representatives from 11 Soviet Republics announced that they would no longer be a part of the Soviet Union. They each declared that they wanted to establish a Commonwealth of Independent States. The Soviet Union then fell apart and the president resigned from his job.