The cold war begins
Japan surrender and world war 2 ends, the dividing of Germany and the territories they conquered starts. -
The Berlin blockade
Sovjet Russia blocked every incoming british and american train, ship or vehicles. There by Sovjet Russia wanted the full control of Berlin and Germany. But instead the british and american send planes dropping loads of supplys such as food and fuel. -
The North Atlantic Treaty gets signed and NATO is now a reality
With the signing of the North Atlantic Treaty by 12 countries NATO or North Atlantic Treaty Organization was a reality. The 12 countries were: Belgium, France, Denmark, Canada, USA, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal and Great Britain/United Kingdom. -
Korean War
After the end of WW2, Korea was splitted upon the release of the Japanes control, which they had since 1910. In the beginning of August 1945, Sovjet Russia landed in North Korea and declared Japan war, a month later USA arrived. The 25'th of June it all started, North Korea attacked South Korea and thus a war had begun. -
The Korean War ends
After Stalins dead in march, the negotions of peace had been going faster. And by the 27'th of July 1953 they got peace, but the war had not been a success. Neither side could claim victory and over 2 million North Koreans and 1 million South Koreans had died during the war. USA's plan of keeping Korea under one government failed, China managed to keep North Korea under a communist control while South Korea with the help of USA became a democracy. -
KGB is now a part of the russian ministery
KGB had it's roots at the Octoberrevolution in 1917, but in 1954 it became more than just that, it became the ministery of Russia's secret spy and police network. -
Sputnik launched into orbit
Sputnik launched into orbit on october the fourth 1957, a month later the Sovjet Russian satellite Sputnik 2 with the dog Laika was launched, and thus the real space race had begun.
January 1958 USA launched explorer 1.
in 1960 USA began their Corona program to take pictures of Russia and China. -
Fidel Castro takes the power in Cuba
Fidel Castro's coup succeeds and Cuba now has a military regime. -
Bay of Pigs invasion
The tenth of April a mission was to be executed by a force which consisted of mainly exiles of Cuba that had been kicked out during the coup. The primary target was to assasinate or capture Fidel Castro. The reason to all this was that USA feared that Cuba would adopt communism and support Sovjet Russia. During the next week once and once again they failed to manage to succeed the mission and each day the international attention grew. 20'th April the mission was blown off. -
Berlin wall begins
The 17'th of April the beginning of the construction of the Berlin Wall was started. And the Iron Curtain's purpose was clear, to keep the liberal west from the communist east. -
Cuban Missile Crisis
After a visit by Raul Castro to Moscow, USA became worried. And the 15'th of October it all started. A scout airplane saw rockets in Cuba. three days later Kennedy sent troops and arms to the southern states just in case anything would happen. During the next couple of weeks the tention was high, USA had rockets in Turkey and Kazakhstan pointed at Moscow. The russians sent 19 ships to cuba, reportedly 15 of them with nuclear war heads on board. But they sailed back suddenly. -
Kennedy shot in the head
President Kennedy was assasinated during a parade in Dallas, Texas. Lee Harvey Oswald was charged with the crime, but before the investiagations had even begun he was shot the 24'th of november by a night club owner Jack Ruby. -
USA sends more troops to Vietnam
Even though USA had been involved with the Vietnam since 1950 there wasn't a real war yet. But after North Vietnamnese boats assaulted an American Frigate and when the Viet Cong attacked an american encampment, USA started to send more troops, the number of troops was around it's highest at around 500.000. And a constant bombing of North Vietnam took place until the end of 1968. -
The Pueblo Incident
North Korea took the U.S.S Pueblo in custody after claiming it was in their waters, USA claimed that it was still in international waters when captured. The ships purpose was to gather information about North Korea and other Asian country's plans.
It's also the only american ship in captive. -
Apollo 11 lands on the moon
Apollo 11, carrying Neil A. Armstrong, Edwin E. "Buzz" Aldrin, and Michael Collins, began with its launch on July 16, 1969 aboard a Saturn V rocket. At 4:17 PM on July 20, 1969, they landed on the moon. Armstrong: "Houston, Tranquility Base here. The Eagle has landed." At 10:39 PM, the hatch of the Lunar Module opened. At 10:56, Neil Armstrong became the first person to step on the moon withwith these infamous words: "That's one small step for [a] man, one giant leap for mankind. -
Vietnam war now also in Cambodia
Under President Nixon, the United States extended the war to the neighboring countries of Cambodia and Laos, through which North Vietnam sent its troops disguised as peasants along a network of trails, roads, and installations, called the Ho Chi Minh Trail, and into South Vietnam at various points. -
Strategic Arms Limitations Talks part 1
An undergoing agreement between Russia and USA about lowering the arsenal of nuclear arms was being discussed in Helsinki, Finland. This led to the agreement of the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty, which meant that there would be fewer Anti ballistic systems, whichs purpose was to shot down incoming nuclear missiles. -
North Vietnam defeats South Vietnam
Secret negotiations led to an agreement between the United States and North Vietnam which guarenteed the withdrawal of U.S. troops. After the treaty was signed in 1973 and American troops were withdrawn, the U.S. was limited to supplying South Vietnam forces and giving air support. The fighting continued, and on April 17, 1975, Saigon was captured by North Vietnamese forces and renamed Ho Chi Minh City, ending the Vietnam War. -
Strategic Arms Limitation Talks part 2
This was an addition to the SALT agreement from 1972, but in 1986 USA withdrew, with the argument that Russia had invaded Afghanistan and therefore not held their part of the agreement. -
Mikhail Gorbachev ascends to power in Soviet Union
He didn't become the president untill 1990 but he was the real leader of Russia anyway. -
Period: to
Mikhail Gorbachev does various treaties and other agreements.
1986: October: Reagan and Gorbachev resolve to remove all intermediate nuclear missiles from Europe.
1987: October: Reagan and Gorbachev agree to remove all medium and short-range nuclear missiles by signing treaty.
1989: January: Soviet troops withdraw from Afghanistan. -
Berlin Wall falls
With all the changes that came with Mikhail Gorbachev in the eastern part of Europe, there also came changes in other parts than Russia. One cold November night the wall between West Berlin and East Berlin was torn down and many happy families were reunited. -
Fall of the Sovjet Empire
Communist governments fall in Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, and Rumania; The Soviet empire is coming to an end. -
Warsaw Pact ends
Germany Reunited
Sovjet Russia Desolved.
This meant that all of the 15 countries fomerly under the control of Russia now had independence.