The Missouri Compromise
A federal law that had addressed the issues of slavery in the Louisiana purchase, and it made a few states slave states and others were made free states. It made it to where any state north of the Missouri's southern border were going to be free slaves and any state under there border were going to be slave states. This stated some controversy because some people wanted to have slaves who lived northern of the border. -
Bleeding Kansas
An act on weather or not Kansas was going to be a slave state or not. It ended up being very violent guerrilla warfare because some people wanted it to be a slave state. But others did not want it to be a slave state, so there was a few fights that had happened and around 55 people had died. -
Dread Scott vs Sanford
A slave named Dread Scott tried to sue for his freedom. But the court said that he's just property because he was an African american and not a U.S citizen so he wasn't allowed to sue for his freedom. -
Abraham Lincoln becomes president
Abraham Lincoln wanted to get rid of slaves and the south didn't want him to do this because they were very heavy slave states. So it really made them upset when he became president. So they had started being very distant with the rest of the North and wanted to be there own independent country so that's how the Civil war had started. -
Battle of Fort Sumter
This was the first battle that had happened during the Civil war, and it was just the start. No one had died in this battle. Its basically what had started the Civil war. This base was located on the border of the North and South but was in the South and Northern troupes were still stationed there and the South wanted to take it back so that's how the battle had started. -
Period: to
Civil War
Battle of Antietam
This was the most casualties in a single day that the U.S has ever had in any battle in U.S history recording over 22,000 casualties. The South was being very aggressive and were pushing in their troops. This was right on the southern border of the North. This was the Souths attempt to get into the North. -
Emancipation Proclamation
This was an order that Abraham Lincoln has said that all slaves are free. If any slaves are saved from the south during the war were going to be considered free. It also made it to where any African American people want to fight in the war they can and they will be payed for doing so. -
Battle of Gettysburg
It was the bloodiest battles in that war and in all of our U.S history. The battle had the most deaths ever for the U.S and it was over 50,000 confirmed deaths in that battle. It was a deciding factor who was going to win the war. After this battle the South knew basically that they were not going to win this war because they were very much out-gunned. -
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Reconstruction Era
This was an era after the Civil war. It's when the South was slowly turning back into being with the North and creating one whole country again. during this time they completely abolished slavery across the whole country, and addressed a lot of problems that were going on between the North and the South. -
The Surrender of Appoxmattox
This was the final battle of the Civil war, when general Robert E. Lee's army surrendered to the Union general Ulysses S. Grant. This was the final decider who was going to win the war and shortly after this that's when the North was declared the winner of the war.