
The Civil War Of Sierra Leone

  • Freetown Established as a British settlement

    Freetown Established as a British settlement
  • Sierra Leone is established as an independent country

    Sierra Leone is established as an independent country
  • Premier Siaka Stevens is ousted by a military coup

    Premier Siaka Stevens is ousted by a military coup
  • Siaka Stevens returns to power following a military coup

    Siaka Stevens returns to power following a military coup
  • A new constitution declares that there will be a single political party

    A new constitution declares that there will be a single political party
  • Joseph Saidu Momoh becomes president of Sierra Leone

    Joseph Saidu Momoh becomes president of Sierra Leone
  • Civil war begins in Sierra Leone

    Civil war begins in Sierra Leone
  • Period: to

    Civil War of Sierra Leone

  • A New Constitution allows for multiple political parties

    A New Constitution allows for multiple political parties
  • President Strasser is ousted in a military coup

    President Strasser is ousted in a military coup
  • Ahmad Tejan Kabbah elected president of Sierra Leone

    Ahmad Tejan Kabbah elected president of Sierra Leone
  • Major Johnny Paul Koroma leads a military junta from prison

    Major Johnny Paul Koroma leads a military junta from prison
  • Major Koroma suspends the constitution of Sierra Leone, bans demonstrations, and abolishes political parties

    Major Koroma suspends the constitution of Sierra Leone, bans demonstrations, and abolishes political parties
  • Ahmad Tejan Kabbah reelected president of Sierra Leone

    Ahmad Tejan Kabbah reelected president of Sierra Leone
  • A cease fire agreement is reached

    A cease fire agreement is reached
  • A peace agreement is reached

    A peace agreement is reached
  • U.N troops arrive in Sierra Leone to police the peace agreement

    U.N troops arrive in Sierra Leone to police the peace agreement
  • Civil War is Declared over

    Civil War is Declared over