Fort Sumter
Confederates fire on and capture the union held Fort Sumter in South Carolina, starting the civil war. -
First Battle of Bull Run
Lincoln ordered an invasion to take Richmond. Confederate Thomas Jackson wanted to rally the southern army. The south won. -
Formation of the 54th Massachusetts
The 54th Massachusetts was formed after the Union allowed black men to become soldiers. It was the most famous black regiment in the Civil War. -
Battle Of Gettysburg
The Battle of Gettysburg was a three day war and was called the "turning point" because from then on the Confederacy started to loose battles more and more. -
Battle of Antietam
General McClellan fought with Lee's army and continued to fight all day without anyone making progress until finally the north won. This was the bloodies day in American History. -
Emancipation Proclamation
The Emancipation Proclamation was created by President Lincoln and freed all slaves in South/Confederacy. -
New York City Draft Riots
People became angry because they had to go to war to fight for black people's freedom and started a rebellion. -
Gettysburg Address
The Gettysburg Address was a 272 word speech given by President Lincoln after the Battle of Gettysburg at the Soldier's National Cemetery. -
Defeat of Vicksburg
The Battle of Vicksburg was a Union victory and gave them control of the Mississippi River, which split the Confederacy in two. -
Sherman's March to the Sea
Sherman's March to the Sea was a total war started by William Sherman. He went from Atlanta to the sea and destroyed anything he could from railroads to houses. It ended up devastating the South and they had to repair a lot. -
Congress Passes the 13th Amendment
The 13th Amendment was passed by congress and it outlawed all slavery in America for good. -
Creation of Freedman's Bureau
The Freedman's Bureau was a government organization that helped former slaves. This created over 3,000 schools and helped over 150,000 blacks people to learn to read and write. -
Surrender of Appomattox Courthouse
Lee decided to meet with General Grant at the Appomattox Courthouse where he ended up surrendering. Grant then proposed that they just leave and go home, which is what they did. -
Assassination of Abraham Lincoln
While Lincoln was sitting in a theatre watching a play John Wilkes Booth snuck in through the balcony and shot him in the head before jumping down, breaking his leg, and running away. Booth was later hunted down and killed while other involved were hanged. -
End of Reconstruction
Rutherford B. Hayes was elected president after Grant left office. He withdrew troops from the South and ended Republican's fight for racial equality. -
14th Amendment
The 14th Amendment made it so that everyone born in the United States is an American citizen and it also said that they all had the same rights. -
15th Amendment
The 15th Amendment granted the right to vote for all American citizens no matter what race or color. -
Supreme Court Case Plessy Vs Ferguson
Plessy went onto a white only train cart which got him arrested. It went to the supreme court where they ruled that segregation did not go against the Constitution.