The Civil War

  • Seceding

    South Carolina secedes from the union, followed by; Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, and Texas
  • The Confederate States

    The Confederate States
    Virginia, Arkansas, Tennessee, and North Carolina secede from the union, completing the Confederate States of America. Jefferson Davis is named as president.
  • Battling begins

    Battling begins
    Grant's army escapes defeat at Shiloh, but Memphis falls as union gunboats control upper Missisippi.
  • McClellan removed as General

    McClellan removed as General
    President Lincoln removes Union General McClellan from his position for lack of aggressiveness.
  • "Stonewall" Jackson dies

    "Stonewall" Jackson dies
    Confederate general Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson dies from pneunonia after losing his arm during a night raid. He was shot three times by accident by his own troops.
  • The Battling Ends

    The Battling Ends
    Confederate general Lee surrenders to Union general Grant at Appomattox