HUAC Blacklist - Cold War
In 1947, HUAC, an anti-communist organization, attempted to censor all forms of communist propaganda by labeling many movie produces, writers, and others as communist influences. -
India Equal Voting Act - Women's Rights
Although it took much longer than other nations, in 1947 India finally created an equal voting act. This act is significant because it shows how even a large populated nation such as India is able to pass a majority vote that enforces equality between all people. -
CSW First Meeting - Women's Rights
The Commision on the Status of Women had its first meeting. This organization sought to bring awareness to the Women's Rights Movement and set standards that prevent discrimination between genders, -
Truman Doctrin - Cold War
After World War II, Americans began trying to prevent the spread of the Soviet's communism influence. The Truman Doctrine sought to support governments in need of economic assistance, subsequently persuading these governments to create democratic governments. -
Marshall Plan - Cold War
Congress passes the Marshall Plan which provided aid to foreign nations that would help jump-start their economies. This plan created relationships between America and developing nations which helped persuade these nations from developing communist regimes. -
Berin Airlift - Cold war
In order to show that America would not succumb to a communist regime, President Truman ordered the delivery of necessary supplies to the blockaded Berlin in order to aid people of the non-communist West Berlin. -
US Recognizes Israel - Looming Towers
The United States with Truman as its current President, becomes the first nation to recognize Israel as a Jewish State. This recognition and further US asistance became the root of problems and the reason why many radical Islamic groups chose America as its primary target. -
National Party Elected - Anti-Apartheid
The National Party is elected as the ruling party in South Africa which led to a country run by white supremacists who created several laws that explicity discrimate others. -
Executive Order 9981 - Civil Rights Movement
President Truman signs Executive Order 9981, authorizing the desegregation of the military. -
Hasan al-Banna Assassinated - Looming towers
A prominent Islamic thinker and founder of the Muslim Brotherhood was killed. This event paved the way for Qutb to take control of the organization and influence them with Qutb's thoughts. -
Population Registration Act - Anti Apartheid
Act that enforced the classifcation of racial groups and segregated people into separate communities based on skin color. -
North Korea Invades - Cold War
On this day North Korea invaded South Korea which prompted America to ally with South Korea in order to prevent them from being taken over and turned into a communist nation -
North Korea takes Seoul - Cold War
North Korea's invasion of South Korea is successful and proves that American asisstance will be needed to liberate South Korea and prevent the spread of communist regimes. -
Attack at Inchon - Cold War
Douglass MacArthur successfully ambushes the North Korean army through an amphibious attack at a port in Inchon and liberates South Korea. After the attack, MacArthur begins an invasion deep into North Korean territory. -
China joins the fight - Cold War
China joins the war assisting North Korea and together they are able to push back US troops. -
Bantu Authorities Act - Anti-Apartheid
Act which enforced blacks to carry passports to enter White areas -
Armistice Signed - Cold War
After a back and forth war between both sides, an armistice was signed at the 38th parrallel. US troops agreed to evacuate from South Korea and POW's were exchanged. -
Reservation of Separate Amentities Act - Anti-Apartheid
Act that legalized the use of separate, but not equal facilities. -
Brown vs Board of Education - Cvil Rights Movement
In the Supreme Court case of Brown v Board of Education, the court decided that segregated schools are inherently unequal and are therefore unconstitutional. -
SEATO - Vietnam War
the Southeast Asia Treaty Organization was a pact signed by several Southeast Asia countries which was designed to prevent the influence of communism within these countries. -
Attempted Nasser Assassination - Looming towers
President Gamal Abdel Nasser of Egypt was almost killed by a member of the Muslim Brotherhood. This event triggers an Islamic revolution as it shows their desire to have a world run by Islam rather than any other form of government. -
Ghana Independence - Pan Africanism
Ghana becomes the first African state to gain independence from British colonial rule -
Civil Rights Act of 1957 - Civil Rights Movement
Act signed by President Eisenhower which supported civil rights by enforcing federal protection to victims of the Civil Rights Movement and allowed federal officials to prosecute those who denied civil rights. -
Beatnik Culture - Counterculture
Herb Caen coined the term Beatnik which sparked a movement where various people impacted American culture through their nontraditional beliefs and nonconformist attitudes. -
PAC Formed - Pan Africanism
The Pan African Congress is formed by a group who broke from the African National Congress. Their dream was to create an Africa run by Africans and not by its current white leaders. -
Consumer Boycott Organization - Anti-Apartheid
Group that sought to boycott South African goods. This was an easy task that many people were able to take part in which helped the anti-aparheid movement grow. -
SNCC Sit-Ins - Civil Rights Movement
The Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee advocate civil rights through nonviolent sit-ins at various white-only diners -
Sharpesville Massacre - Pan Africanism
During a peaceful anti-pass law march in South Africa, the Sharpsville police began firing on the protestors, killing 69 people and injuring many others. -
Special Committee against Apartheid
The United Nations created a special committee that opposses Apartheid and asists those agaisnt the racists government. -
FDA Approves Birth Control Pill - Women's Rights
The Food and Drug Administration approves the use of birth control pills for women, These pills created a whole new contraceptive that empowered women to have more control over their lives which in turn, promoted their independence. -
Kennedy Sends Troops to Vietnam - Vietnam War
Kennedy sends Special Forces troops to South Vietnam in order to support the South Vietnam against their communist northern counterparts. -
Azanian People's Liberation Army - Pan Africanism
After the Sharpsville massacre, the Pan African Congress created an armed wing called the Azanian People's Liberation Army in order to begin a more violent movement towards their cause. -
Hungryalist Movement - Counterculture
A literary movement in India which involved several writers who challenged the common contemporary language and vocabulary at the time. These writers sought to change the way people thought through their controversial pieces. -
Mandela Arrested - Anti Apartheid
Nelson Mandela is arrested and imprisoned on a 27-year sentence. His imprisonment caused the anti-apartheid movement to become more violent. -
Cuban Missle Crisis - Cold War
In the middle of October the threat of nuclear warfare increased when Americans received intel of a possible nuclear threat in Cuba placed by the Soviets. -
Paarl Rebellion - Pan Africanism
The Pan African Congress's new army launches its first attack on the city of Paarl and targetting mainly its police force and whites, exemplifying the groups desire for independent nations, free from control of whites. -
Birmingham Campaign - Civil Rights Movement
Thousands of people willingly get arrested to promote civil rights. Revealed to many the abuse that nonviolent protesters received from police and officials. -
OAU Founded - Pan Africanism
The Organisation of African Unity is founded in Addis Adaba, Ethiopia. They sought to liberate other African nations still under colonical rule and improve their political and economic statuses. -
Equal Pay Act - Women's Rights
Congress passes the Equal Pay Act which made it illegal for businesses to pay women less than men while both have the same job. -
March on Washington - Civil Rights Movement
More than 200,000 people attended a massive rally in front of the Lincoln Memorial to address issues on civil rights. -
Nuclear Test Ban Treaty - Cold War
The Nuclear Test Ban Treaty was signed by both the American government and the USSR which banned the testing of all nuclear weaponry, reducing the effects of radioactive fallout. -
Free Speech Movement - Counterculture
The Free Speech Movement which was inspired by the Civil Rights movement was led mainly in Berkely by university students who sought the right to free speech and academic freedom while simutaneously protesting against things such as the Vietnam war. -
The Ballot or the Bullet - Pan Africanism
During a debate regarding civil rights, Malcom X speaks about the necessity of black nationalism and promotes the separation and creation of black nations. -
Freedom Summer - Civil Rights Movement
Major campaign in Mississippi where many black and white students helped register African Americans to vote. -
Civil Rights Act of 1964 - Civil Rights Movement
Act signed by President Johnson which banned segregation in public facilities and services and also allowed the government to enforce desegregation of schools. -
Civil Rights Act 1964 - Women's Rights
This act passed by congress not only prohibitted discrimination in employment for ethnic groups, but also applied to women. Businesses had t ocomply to this new act or else they could face punishments or penalties. -
March against Vietnam - Counterculture
The Student for a Democratic Society (SDC) organized a march onto Washington D.C. protesting against the Vietnam War and calling for the retreat of our troops. -
NOW Founded - Women's Rights Movement
The National Organization for Women is founded. This group promotes the equality between genders through lobbying and many public demonstrations. -
Sayyid Qutb Dies - Looming Towers
The death of Sayyid Qutb influenced many radical groups to seek global Islam through any means necessary. -
Black Panthers Established - Civil Rights Movement
A new group is created to protect urban neighborhoods from police abuse. -
Death of Money Parade - Counterculture
The Diggers community, a left wing anarchist group who belived in a society free from capitalism, held an event where members of the group marched throgh San Francisco while advocating their community belifs. -
Summer of Love - Counterculture
The Summer of Love indicates a season in which the Hippie Movement had clearly been popularlized. Over 100,000 people went to San Francisco to spread a message of "peace and love." -
Executivbe Order 11375 - Women's Rights
Lyndon Johnson issued this executive order in order to ensure equal oppotunity in federal employment for all people regardless of gender, race, or ethnicity. -
Prauge Spring - Counterculture
Prauge Spring relates to a period of time where the Czechoslovakian government wanted balance the power of the government into a more democratic-like nation. -
My Lai Massacre - Vietnam War
American frustation and anxiety to fight Viet Cong soldiers reached its limits leading to the massacre of people regardless of whether they were Viet Cong sympathizers or not. -
France Strikes - Counterculture
In May, a multitude of workers, totaling over 11,000,000, held a strike against President de Gaulle, demanding his impeachment and a general increase in wages and salaries for all workers. -
Stonewall Riots - Counterculture
In response to a police raid of a gay tavern, many members of the gay community enacted violent demonstrations to promote LGBT rights. These people were largely part of the sexual revolution which sought to break down the barriers of a traditional hetersexual relationship. -
Paris Peace Talks - Vietnam War
After years of war and not much success to be had, the American government decided to sign a cease-fire treaty with North Vietnamese government, leading to the retreat of all American soldiers and the exchange of all prisoners of war.