The Civil Rights Movement

By Rod23
  • Brown V. Board of Education

    Brown V. Board of Education
    Linda Brown was denied admission to her neighborhood school in Topeka,Kansas because she was black.She was told to attend the all black school across town but her parents sued instead .And on May 17,1954 the Supreme Court ruled unanimously that segregation in public schools was unconstitutional and violated the equal protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment and with result of that case The Court ordered school districts to proceed "with all deliberate speed" to end school segregation.
  • Montgomery Bus Boycott

    Montgomery Bus Boycott
    Rosa Parks took the bus home from work as she was on the bus she was told to give up her seat to a white man she refused and this sparked the bus boycott. Which was lead by MLK and it was a success as they boycotted the busses over a year and it lead to a special three judge panel declaring Alabama's laws requiring segregation on buses unconstitutional. It was a step in the right direction but there was still more work to be done.
  • Little Rock 9 and the Desegregation of Schools

    Little Rock 9 and the Desegregation  of Schools
    In September 1957, the school board in Little Rock,Arkansas, won a court order requiring that nine African American students be admitted to Central High. The Governor of Arkansas Orval Fabus ordered troops from the Arkansas national Guard to prevent nine students from entering the school. The violence conceived when President Eisenhower ordered the Army to send too Little Rock.In addition he, federalized the Arkansas National Guard. This resulted in Cooper v.Aaron.
  • The Sit-in Movement

    The Sit-in Movement
    In the fall of 1959, four young black men men enrolled at NC A&T and they spent their evenings talking about the civil rights movement. On February 1st 1960 they were refused service because they were not white. The News spread of this happening and by the end of the week over 300 students were taking part and within 2 months sit ins had spread to 54 cities and states.The person who brought them together was Ella Baker the leader of SCLC but her and the students agreed to establish the SNCC.
  • Freedom Riders

    Freedom Riders
    In 1961 James Farmer asked teams of black and white volunteers who were college students to travel into the South to draw attention to its refusal to integrated bus terminals they became known as the freedom fighters. But they were viciously beat up by the KKK but caught the attention of new President JFK.
  • James Meredith and the Desegregation of Southern Universities

    James Meredith and the Desegregation of Southern Universities
    On the day JFK was inaugurated, a black air force veteran named James Meredith applied for a transfer to ole miss but the university had avoided complying with the Supreme Court ruling ending segregated education. He tried to register at the admissions office but Ross Barnet was blocking his path which cause JFK to send 500 federal marshals to escort him to the campus.But there attacked by a white mob and violence broke out and JFK had James under federal guard so he could graduate in August.
  • The March on Washington

    The March on Washington
    MLK realized that JFK would have a difficult time pushing his civil rights bill through congress so he searched for a way to lobby congress while building more public support. A. Philip Randolph suggested a march,MLK agreed.More than 200,000 demonstrators of all races flocked to the nations capital and gathered peacefully at the Lincoln Memorial where MLK delivered a powerful speech outlining his dream of freedom and equality for all Americans.This built momentum for the civil rights bill.
  • Malcom X and Civil Rights Movement

    Malcom X and Civil Rights Movement
    By the early 60s Malcom X had become a symbol of the black power movement. He had a had a troubled childhood which ended up having him going to prison for 6 years but in prison is where he learned the teachings of Elijah Muhammad and joined the Nation of Islam. Malcom X's criticisms of white society and the mainstream civil rights movement gained national attention for the Nation of Islam. But after he had a falling with Nation of Islam they shooting and killing in 1965.
  • Voter Registration Among Minorities

    Voter Registration Among Minorities
    After the Civil rights Act of 1964 was passed, voting rights were far from secure as the act only, focused on segregation and job discrimination, and it did little to voting issues.The SCLC and SNCC stepped up their voter registration efforts in the South but it still wasn't enough.So MLK decided to stage another dramatic protest called the Selma March as it was 50 miles long. But they were attacked by 200 state troopers on tv cameras which led to the voting rights act of 1965
  • Urban Problems and the Black Panthers

    Urban Problems and the Black Panthers
    Despite the passage of civil rights laws in the 50s and 60s racism was still common in American society as the and even during the Great Migration black people still faced discrimination they would get in the south.But in the urban areas black people lived in poor neighborhoods in most states majors cities that were overcrowded and dirty.The Black Panthers were a political organization founded by college students that believed that a revolution was necessary in the U.S.