the civil right timeline

  • plessyv. ferguson

    Supreme court case allowing sepreate but equal
  • naacp

  • malcom x

    head of black panthers, equality through any means necessary
  • emmett till

    black teen murder in mississippi for talking to white girl
  • black panther party

  • brown v. board of education of topeka

    Linda brown was allowed in to a all white school
  • rosa parks

    arrested for refusing to give a her sit on the bus to the whites
  • montgomery bus boy cott

    rosa parks refused to give up here seat so they arrested her and blacks boycotted the bus company so they walked
  • little rock school integration

    a fedreal jugde ordered that the nine african american students be allowed to go to little rock central high school.
  • the sit-ins

    black student sat down at lunch tables in protested until they were served
  • freedom rides

    hoped to provoke a violent reaction that would convince the kennedy administration to enforce the law
  • marching to washington

    mlk lead the march to washington and gave his "I Have a Dream" speech
  • marching to birmingham, Alabama

    mlk arrested police brutality shown on tv
  • 24th amendment

    abolished pull tax to vote
  • civil rights act of 1964

    made public segregation illegal
  • de jure and de facto segregation

    segregation by law, segregation by custom
  • voting rights act of 1965

    it eliminated literacy tests that had disqualified many african americans from voting.
  • march from selma to montgomery for voting rights

    march to register black voters
  • thurgood marshall

    lawyer for brown v. board-first blacks supreme court justice
  • race riots

    blacks protest in cites business burned and cites under curfewed
  • mlk

    change through peaceful protest