WW1= white Australia Policy “Australia for Australians”
Period: to
Changing rights and freedoms
‘Populate/Perish’ Arthur Callwell, British Migrants ideal
‘2000 Jewish holocaust survivors’ arrive in Australia
First migrants from Britain arrived in January, displaced people arrived in November, immigration advisory council set up
Nationality and citizenship act passed, First Australian Citizenship ceremony 3 February
120 000 assisted migrants arrived in Australia, Snowy mountains hydro-electric scheme initiated
department of immigration makes the 75 percent rule, to prove that you are at least 75% european in order to get you into Australia provide genealogy
the amount of European migrants was double that of British migrants and Queen visits Australia
announcement was the watershed in abolishing the 'White Australia' policy, and non-European migration began to increase.
Australians were no longer British subjects and all migrants, of whatever origin, became eligible to obtain citizenship after three years residence.
Whitlam government came to power
British, Commonwealth and Irish citizens were subject to the same visa requirements as other applicants, 52 748 arrivals in 1975, The National Population Inquiry issued its first report in 1975, which led to the creation of the Australian Population and I
In 1976, the department became the Department of Immigration and Ethnic Affairs, In 1976, the department ran two programs offering amnesty to people who had overstayed their visas and allowing them to regularise their status.
The Numerical Multifactor Assessment System come into effect in 1979. This gave weight to factors such as family links to Australia, skills, knowledge of English, successful settlement prospects and literacy in the client's language.