
The Cenozoic Era

  • Apr 10, 1065

    65 Million Years Ago Palaeocene Epoch

    65 Million Years Ago Palaeocene Epoch
    The first epoch of the Cenozoic Era began, called the Palaeocene epoch. Dinosaurs and other reptiles from the Cretaceous period are now extinct, but land mammals and birds that did survive began to spread rapidly. Flowering plants also become widespread.
  • Apr 10, 1103

    38 Million Years ago - Eocene Epoch

    38 Million Years ago - Eocene Epoch
    Rodents were the dominant small mammal. Small horses called Hyracotherium were common. Early elephants and rhinoceroses began to appear, along with the Uintatherium, which was ten feet long. Birds such as geese, ducks, herons, owls and hawks were commonly found as well. Insects began to flourish as well and became an essential part for plants.
  • Apr 14, 1103

    38 Million Years Ago - Oligocene Epoch

    38 Million Years Ago - Oligocene Epoch
    Dogs,, cats, rhinoceroses, and pigs were promient mammals during the Oligocene epoch. Horses flourished in North America. Ants and termites appeared, along with camels, armadillos, and sloths. Giant pigs called Archaeotherium also existed during this time.
  • Apr 14, 1128

    25 Million Years Ago - Miocene Epoch

    25 Million Years Ago - Miocene Epoch
    Most mammals of this time started to take on their modern day appareances, while more primitive mammals became extinct. Diversity amongst mammals reached its peak in the Miocene Epoch. Deer, giraffes, and hyenas began to appear, and the sabre-toothed tiger was the dominant predator. In the oceans, there was a plethora of whales, dugongs, corals, gastropods and echinoids.
  • Apr 14, 1133

    5 Million Years Ago - Pliocene Epoch

    5 Million Years Ago - Pliocene Epoch
    Mammals such as cattle, goats, antelope, gazelle, and sheep begin to dominate the Pilocene. Rodents remain abundant as well. As these animals increase, animals that have been common up until this point such as rhinoceroses, elephants, and camels, are starting to reduce. Another mammal of this time was the Macrauchenia, which was the member of an extrinct group of mammals called Litopterns. An important mammal that developed around this time were primates, which also includes early humans.
  • Apr 14, 1135

    1.8 Million Years Ago - Pleistocene Epoch

    1.8 Million Years Ago - Pleistocene Epoch
    The Pleistocene Epoch was during the time of the Ice Ages, where massive ice sheets extended towards the equator from the Antarctic and Acrtic regions which ended up covering most of Europe and North America and ended around 10,000 years ago. Many mammals went extinct around this time, especially larger sized animals such as the Woolly Mammoth, giant dear, and cave bears.
  • 10,000 Years Ago - Holocene Epoch

    10,000 Years Ago - Holocene Epoch
    The Holocene Epoch began 10,000 years ago since the end of the last Ice Age and it is the epoch we currently live in with modern humans, animals, science, and technology. Now we can only see where we will all be taken next.