Catcher rye  (1)

The Catcher In The Rye

  • Holden Caulfield

    First met Holden Caulfield, the narriator of the book. Holden was a student at Pency Prep, before being expelled. He is on top of a hill watching the school football game, but then decides to go visit one of his old teachers.
  • Stradlater

    Stradlater is holdens room-mate. Holden calls him a secret slob and a player. Stradlater ask holden to write a paper for him while he goes out on a date with Jane Gallagher, one of holdens best friends
  • The Fight and The First Clue to Holdens Lonliness

    Holden decides to write his paper on his dead little brother, Allies, baseball mitt. Through the chapter he tells a lot about Allie and remebers everything from the night he died. This show how hard holden took and still takes Allies death. Holden feels lonly with out Allie. Stradlater comes back and reads holdens writings. He gets very frustrated. Holden then took his paper and ripped it. Irritated, Holden tried to get Stradlater to talk about his date with Jane, which led to a fight.
  • Mrs Morrow

    December 20, 1951
    Late at night, on a train, Holden left and meets one of his class-mates mom, Mrs Morrow.
    Mrs Morrow is a symbol in the book. She could represent many things to holden. One of those things could be a great friend or a mother.
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    The Catcher In The Rye

  • Lonliness

    Holden calls a lot of people that night and his time spent in New York trying to set up a time to meet them. He goes to different bars and clubs looking for a friend. Holden is very depressed and extremely lonly.
  • Losing Innocence

    Through holdens journey to find a friend, holden even agrees to get a prostitute. When the prostitute comes he doesnt do anything with her but pays her anyway. That night holden gets beat up by her brother for the other half of the money. This is kind of a wake up call to holden and just how cruel the real world can be.
  • Smoking

    Holdens smokes through out the book. It is at this point that you realize its symbolism. It could represent an illness or sickness
  • Pheobe; The Catcher in Rye

    Holden wants to be the catcher in the rye for children as they fall of a cliff or as they grow up into adulthood. Pheobe is holdens catcher, she is the person holden looks to for comfort in his lonly, depressing times.
  • Red hunting hat

    Before holden leaves pheobe at night, he gives her his red hunting hat. it represents the innocence holden had and gave to pheobe. At that point holden realized that his childhood was over and he was now an adult.
  • The end

    This is when holden was supposed to go home from Pency