The Car

  • the first car

    the first car
    Carl Benz applied for a patent for his “vehicle powered by a gas engine.” The patent – number 37435
  • • 1900 – The Detroit Automobile Factory

    The Detroit Automobile Factory was made and in 1903 ford would build a car in Detroit.
  • • 1900 – The Detroit Automobile Factory

    •	1900 – The Detroit Automobile Factory
    The Detroit Automobile Factory was made and in 1903 ford would build a car in Detroit.
  • • 1908 – Ford's Model T Hits the Scene.

    •	1908 – Ford's Model T Hits the Scene.
    Ford's Model T Hits the Scene.
  • • 1911 – The Electric Starter just got put into the car.

    The Electric Starter just got put into cars.
  • • 1913 – Automobile Assembly Line was put into play.

    Automobile Assembly Line was put into play.
  • • 1914 – Material of Construction changed to steel.

    Material of Construction changed to steel.
  • • 1939 – Automatic Transmission was invented.

    Automatic Transmission was invented
  • • 1940 – Air Conditioning was invented.

    •	1940 – Air Conditioning was invented.
    Air Conditioning was invented.
  • • 1966 – Electronic Fuel Injection was put into engines.

    •	1966 – Electronic Fuel Injection was put into engines.
    Electronic Fuel Injection was put into engines to make them more efficient.